Daily Devotions


Day 294

"Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD"

Text: Isaiah 40:13


Isaiah sought to impress upon Isaiah the greatness of the LORD. He used rhetorical questions effectively to demonstrate the fact that there is no one like the LORD God in power and in profound knowledge.

“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand,
Measured heaven with a span
And calculated the dust of the earth in a measure?
Weighed the mountains in scales
And the hills in a balance?
Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD,
Or as His counselor has taught Him?
With whom did He take counsel, and who instructed Him,
And taught Him in the path of justice?
Who taught Him knowledge,
And showed Him the way of understanding?”
Isaiah 40:12-14

1. The greatness of the LORD as the Creator.

a) Man’s prowess compared to other creatures.

i) Man can measure things with a span.

ii) He can also do impressive mathematical calculation.

iii) He can figure out the weight of many things.

b) But can Man do the following?

i) Measure the oceans?

ii) Measure the expanse of the heavens?

iii) Calculate the dust of the earth?

iv) Weigh the mountains in a scale?

v) Weigh the hills in a balance?

c) Only the LORD God can do all of these things easily!

2. The greatness of the LORD with reference to knowledge.

a) No one has ever directed the Spirit of the LORD.

b) No one has been a counselor to God.

c) No one has taught God about justice.

d) No one has ever taught Him knowledge.

e) No one has ever given understanding to God.

f) The knowledge of the LORD God is awesome and profound!