Daily Devotions


Day 206

"Ordinances of divine service..."

Text: Hebrews 9:1


How should the “first covenant” be understood and appreciated? A careless reader might conclude that the author of Hebrews seemed to have something against the Mosaic covenant. To dispel any wrong notions, the author of Hebrews sought to express his understanding and appreciation of the first covenant.

“Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances
of divine service and the earthly sanctuary.”
Hebrews 9:1

1. The first covenant

a) The Mosaic covenant is in mind here (and not the Abrahamic covenant).
b) The following references confirm this:-
i) Ordinances
ii) Divine service
iii) Earthly sanctuary

2. The significance of the first covenant

Three things were highlighted for appreciation.

a) Ordinances
i) This is a reference to “laws”.
ii) Some laws focused on how man was to relate to God (a faith relationship).
iii) Other laws focused on how society was to be regulated (judicial and social dimensions).
iv) Still other laws were devoted to the practice of holy worship (for the priests and for the worshippers).
b) Divine Service
This is a good and correct term. Worship involves “divine service”.
c) The earthly sanctuary

Worship centered in God’s provision of an earthly sanctuary, called “The Tabernacle”. Great care was given to the making of the Tabernacle (Cf. Exodus 25-31, 35-40). The Tabernacle was finally consecrated with God’s glory filling it (Cf. Exodus 40)!