Daily Devotions


Day 42

"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him."

Text: Ephesians 1:17


How should one feel as he addresses God? As far as we can detect, Paul felt deeply even though he may have addressed God in a rather formal manner. It is possible to have a whole range of feelings when one truly knows God as well as Paul did.

“Lord Jesus Christ”

The phrase, “Lord Jesus Christ” is essentially a title. In using this title Paul expressed a deep sense of respect and regard for the Saviour.

1. Lordship of Jesus

Paul never allowed himself to be “over-familiar”. No matter how close a relationship he sustained with Jesus, he was most conscious of the fact that He was Lord and therefore Master. No matter how many times Paul received special revelation from Jesus, there would always be that reverence in his heart.

2. Messiahship of Jesus

The word “Christ” was not a title that was ever used with reference to anyone else apart from Jesus. The rabbis of old guarded this title jealously. Paul, before his conversion, could not bear the thought that the Christians could speak of Jesus as the Christ. But when he came to truly know Jesus as his Saviour, he seized every opportunity to address Jesus as the “Christ” (the Messiah).

“God of our Lord Jesus Christ”

The word “Lord” was just about the highest title one could give. Nevertheless, some distinction must be made between the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul found a way of giving due honour to the Father by addressing Him as “The God of our Lord Jesus Christ”.

1. Not demeaning the Lord Jesus at all

This title given to God does not demean the Lord Jesus Christ at all. Perhaps the following text from the Gospel of John would help elucidate what Paul meant.

“I am ascending to My Father and your Father,
and to My God and your God.”
JOHN 20:17

Jesus referred to His Father as God. This was His loving submission to the Father, even though He was co-equal with God. The prominence of the role of the Lord Jesus in dying on the cross of Calvary must not at any time diminish our regard, our respect, and our love for God the Father.

2. The highest regard for God the Father

Just as the Lord Jesus Christ had the highest sense of reverence for His Father, so must we seek to have the same regard. The word “God” is full of meaning. Three things are often associated with God: Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omnipotence. All these things, God the Father possesses and more. Paul was right to exercise the greatest sense of reverence towards God in prayer. We must ever guard against the danger of “over-familiarity”.