Daily Devotions

2 John

2 John 
Day 8

"That which we have had from the beginning..."

Text: 2 John 5


The Apostle John had served the Lord for many decades. Over the years he had developed great experience and skill in ministry.

1. With reference to false teachers

a) John remained firm and strong.
b) He refuted the wrong teachings of the false teachers with great courage.

2. With reference to believers

a) He related well as a godly spiritual father
i) To children.
ii) To the younger generation.
b) He related well to those who were older.
i) He addressed them as “fathers” (1 John 2:13).
ii) He now addressed an individual as “the elect lady” (2 John 1, 5).


John did not fail to maintain consistency though he showed due respect to people.

“And now I plead with you, lady,
not as though I wrote a new commandment to you,
but that which we have had from the beginning:
that we love one another.”
2 John 5

1. “Not as though I wrote a new commandment to you”

a) Could John have written “a commandment”?
b) Yes, he could, because of his being an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) But his appeal to the elect lady was not on the basis of “a new commandment”.

2. “But that which we have had from the beginning”

a) The language employed reminds us of the teaching of the Lord Jesus (John 13:34-35).
b) John had in mind the commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ.
i) He and his fellow apostles had heard this commandment from Jesus directly.
ii) He was bearing the words of Jesus in mind even as he was writing.
c) The commandment of the Lord Jesus.
i) This was to be obeyed by all true followers of the Lord.
ii) This would include John himself and the elect lady too.