Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 57

"Sin is lawlessness."

Text: 1 John 3:4


Once again the Apostle John addressed the problem of sin. This is a problem that has multiple aspects. John dealt with the aspect of lawlessness in this context.

“Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness,
and sin is lawlessness.”
1 John 3:4

1. “Whoever commits sin”

a) We need to begin with defining “sin”.
i) Sin must be defined from the context of divine law.
ii) Sin is breaking divine law.
iii) When we omit the keeping of divine law we sin against God too.
b) The committing of sin
i) No one is in mind specifically.
ii) This is an ordinary description of the person who is sinning.

2. “Also commits lawlessness”

a) This seems to be a very alarming statement.
b) All of us sin.
c) We do not like to think of ourselves as being “lawless”.
d) Yet the fact is that when we sin we act against the law of God and thus we are lawless.
e) Sinning indiscriminately can and will lead us into more complex difficulties.

3. “Sin is lawlessness”

a) This is a plain and unvarnished explanation of what sin really is.
b) Many try and downplay the serious nature of sin.
c) John does not take this approach.
i) He writes honestly.
ii) He writes candidly.
iii) He writes to warn against trifling with sin.
iv) Sin is to be taken seriously.
v) He seeks to help us to be more conscious of our sin problem.