Daily Devotions


Day 505

"No one will tread with joyous shouting"

Text: Jeremiah 48:33


Moab was famous for the vineyards that produced good quality wine. This was a major focus in Moab’s economy.

“O vine of Sibmah! I will weep for you with the weeping of Jazer.
Your plants have gone over the sea,
They reach to the sea of Jazer.
The plunderer has fallen on your summer fruit and your vintage.
Joy and gladness are taken
From the plentiful field
And from the land of Moab;
I have caused wine to fail from the winepresses;
No one will tread with joyous shouting—
Not joyous shouting!”
Jeremiah 48:32-33

1. “O vine of Sibmah! I will weep for you with the weeping of Jazer.
Your plants have gone over the sea, they reach to the sea of Jazer.
The plunderer has fallen on your summer fruit and your vintage”

a) Sibmah had flourishing fields.

i) There were summer fruits.

ii) Most outstanding were the vineyards.

b) The plants in Sibmah.

i) They were not only enjoyed in Moab.

ii) The surplus harvests were exported overseas.

c) The Sea of Jazer.

i) This is a reference to an Ammonite city called Jazer.

ii) The “sea” here is a reference to a large lake.

iii) This sea-port distributed the produces and wine of Sibmah.

d) The plunderer is a reference to Babylon.

i) Babylon will conquer Moab and Ammon too.

ii) They will seize the summer fruits and wine.

2. “Joy and gladness are taken from the plentiful field and from the land of Moab;
I have caused wine to fail from the winepresses;
no one will tread with joyous shouting—not joyous shouting”

a) Joy and gladness:

i) This was felt by Moab.

ii) They rejoiced in their “plentiful field”.

b) But the LORD would cause Moab to fall before Babylon.

i) The wine will fail.

ii) The treaders who stamped on the grapes would not be there.

iii) There was silence instead of joyous shouting.

iv) Sibmah would yield no summer fruits nor wine anymore.