Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 158

Text: Exodus 23: 23-24


Exodus 23:23-24

23 For My Angel will go before you and bring you in to the Amorites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will cut them off.
24 You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their works; but you shall utterly overthrow them and completely break down their sacred pillars.


1. The Presence of the Angel of God

a. He will go before Israel.
b. He will lead the way.

2. The land of Canaan would have the following nations residing there

a. The Amorites
b. The Hittites
c. The Perizzites
d. The Canaanites
e. The Hivites
f. The Jebusites

3. What they were like

a. War-like
b. Cruel
c. They worship idols.

4. God’s promise

a. He will cut them off.
b. They will not prevail against Israel.

5. A strong word of admonition

a. Israel must not bow to the idols and worship them.
b. The nation must not serve these idols.
c. The children of Israel must not adopt the ways of the people living in the land.
d. Instead, when they conquer the land:
i. They must destroy these idols.
ii. And break down their “sacred pillars”.
e. The danger was that Israel might be ensnared by these things.

经文:出埃及记 23:23-24


《出埃及记 23:23-24》



1. 上帝的使者的同在

a. 他会在以色列人前面行
b. 他会带领他们

2. 迦南之地住着各族的人:

a. 亚摩利人
b. 赫人
c. 比利洗人
d. 迦南人
e. 希未人
f. 耶布斯人

3. 他们的个性

a. 爱上战场
b. 残忍
c. 崇拜偶像

4. 上帝的应许

a. 祂必将他们剪除
b. 他们不会胜过以色列

5. 警戒以色列的话语

a. 以色列不可跪拜和崇拜他们的神
b. 以色列国不可侍奉他们的神
c. 以色列人也不可效法他们的行为
d. 反而,当以色列战胜各国时:
i. 他们得把神像尽行拆毁
ii. 并且打碎他们的柱像
e. 危险在于以色列有可能会被这些事物缠累