The LORD spoke and gave an important word one day;

Whom may He send? Who would go without dismay?

The need to bring Light into the world is still very strong;

Who would rise up and declare? “To the LORD, I belong!”


The heart that is cleansed and the mind that has seen Light;

The good servant hears and he will serve with all his might.

Darkness prevails and many are caught in the grips of sin;

Consecration is vital! One must serve through thick and thin!


The ministry of the LORD is not easy for wicked is man’s heart;

It disregards the Light and from darkness, he will not depart!

The Word may be shared but the heart will not easily yield;

God is set aside; He is not the Refuge nor is He the Shield!


The ministry of the LORD is fraught with difficulty;

Yet, the faithful servant will say, “Here am I! Send me.”

God will empower His servants and give them His Light;

The true servant will be strong and faithful- for this is right!


Inspiration: Isaiah 6:9

Charles Tan