by Pastor Mitch
January 24, 2010

Timothy, A Fellow Bondservant Of Jesus Christ

It was indeed a great honour for Timothy to be named alongside Paul. When the great apostle Paul wrote his epistle to the Philippians, he considered Timothy a fellow bondservant of Jesus Christ.

“Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ” 
Philippians 1:1

Timothy had proven himself to be a good and faithful servant. He had displayed tremendous oneness and teamwork as he served with Paul. Paul saw Timothy as one who had the same mindset as him with reference to life and ministry. Timothy served with Paul as a son would with his father (Philippians 2:20-22). He had become a good example of one who had followed Paul and the Lord Jesus and was well-trained for the ministry. Young people, have you thought about becoming a “Timothy”? Let’s seek to emulate his example in how he became a good servant of the Lord.

Where One Parent Was A Non-Christian

“Timothy, the son of a certain Jewish woman who believed, but his father was Greek.” 
Acts 16:1

What was Timothy’s family background like? He grew up in a family where only one of his parents had faith in the Lord Jesus. Timothy’s mother was a Jewish Christian while his father was a Greek. The use of the conjunction “but” emphasises that his father was not a Christian. A typical Greek during the days of Timothy would focus very much on the wisdom of the world. They demanded clever rhetoric and learned debate before they believed in anything. The Greeks would use philosophy to try to solve the problems of life. It could be deduced that Timothy’s father may have tried to teach him the ways of the Greek philosophers.

Commencing With Genuine Faith

“When I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.” 
2 Timothy 1:5

Despite his father’s background, Timothy still found genuine faith in the Lord Jesus. It was his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois who shared their faith with him. Paul recalled and was most convinced about Timothy’s genuine faith in Christ. How did he come to possess this faith? From childhood, the Holy Scriptures had been taught to him (2 Timothy 3:15). It was knowledge from the Scriptures that made him wise to come to faith in the Lord. It was with knowledge of the gospel that Timothy believed in Jesus Christ and found salvation in Him. Young people, the starting point to being a “Timothy” is to have genuine faith in the Lord Jesus. Let’s check whether we have this genuine faith. If our faith is genuine, others will be able to see it. Let’s seek to be certain of having a sincere faith in the Lord Jesus.

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