Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 162

Taking Offence At Jesus Again

Text: John 9: 40-41


Some of the Pharisees were around when Jesus uttered these words. Once again, they took offence at what Jesus said.

“Then some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words, and said to Him, ‘Are we blind also?’ Jesus said to them, ‘If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, ‘We see.’ Therefore your sin remains.’” 

John 9:40-41

1. “Some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words”

a. Hearing is not the same thing as understanding.
b. They did not do the following things:
i. To ask for an explanation.
ii. To have a discussion.
iii. To have questions clarified.
c. Instead, they took offence.
i. Did Jesus think they were blind too?
ii. Did Jesus suggest that they needed to be healed of their “blindness?”
iii. They were very certain that they were not blind at all.
iv. They were, after all, Pharisees and the spiritual leaders and teachers of Israel.

2. “Jesus said to them”

a. “If you were blind, you would have no sin”
i. Physical blindness was not sin.
ii. Even if they had declared that they were blind spiritually, they would not be declared sinful on this score.
iii. Jesus would have healed them as graciously as He healed the blind man.
iv. He would not have rebuked them.
b. “But now you say, ‘We see’”
i. This was typically the way a Pharisee would respond.
ii. Arrogance and pride get in their way all the time.
c. “Therefore your sin remains”

They were spiritually blind. And they will remain blind. Worse, their sin remains unrepented of and thus unforgiven. They remain slaves to sin.




“同他在那里的法利赛人听见这话,就说:‘难道我们也瞎了眼吗?’ 耶稣对他们说:‘你们若瞎了眼,就没有罪了;但如今你们说‘我们能看见’,所以你们的罪还在。’”


1. “同他在那里的法利赛人听见这话”

a. 听见和理解是不一样的
b. 他们并没有做以下几件事:
i. 寻求解释
ii. 征求讨论
iii. 澄清疑问
c. 反而,他们被冒犯了
i. 耶稣是否也认为他们瞎了眼?
ii. 耶稣是否表示他们需要治愈他们的“瞎眼?”
iii. 他们很肯定自己并没有瞎眼
iv. 他们毕竟是法利赛人,是以色列属灵的领袖和老师

2. “耶稣对他们说”

a. “你们若瞎了眼,就没有罪了”
i. 实际的瞎眼并不是罪
ii. 就算他们宣称自己在属灵上瞎眼,他们也不会因此被定罪
iii. 耶稣会充满恩典地治愈他们,如同祂治愈那瞎眼的人一样
iv. 祂不会责备他们
b. “但如今你们说‘我们能看见’”
i. 这是法利赛人很典型的反应
ii. 他们每一次都被自己的自大及傲慢的态度所阻碍
c. “所以你们的罪还在”
