Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 3

Text: Luke 1: 8-10


1. The Ministry of Priests was ordained by God

a. Instructions were given by God to Moses.
b. Priests were consecrated to serving God at the Tabernacle.
c. After the Temple was erected, priests served in the Temple.

2. The Priests and their Ministry was organized by King David and the high priest Zadok and Ahimelech (1 Chronicles 24:3)

a. Some were officials of the sanctuary (1 Chronicles 24:5c).
b. Some others were officials of the house of God (1 Chronicles 24:5d).
c. Still others were scribes (writers, teachers) {1 Chronicles 24:6}.
d. They had schedules to keep (1 Chronicles 24:19).
e. They were assisted by Levites (1 Chronicles 24-26).
i. Some were musicians.
ii. Others were gatekeepers.


1. He was serving as a priest before God (Luke 1:8).

2. It was his lot to burn incense to God (Luke 1:9).

3. The Burning of Incense was part of Worship.

a. God ordered an altar of incense to be made (Exodus 30:1-5).
b. This altar of incense was to be made of pure gold
c. Bezalel made the altar of incense (Exodus 38:22).
d. Special incense was to be made and offered.
e. This can only be done by a priest.

4. This part of worship was called “The hour of incense” (Luke 1:10).

5. The congregation (non-priests)

a. They were not allowed to enter “The Holy Place”.
b. The Incense Altar was placed there.
c. They waited for Zacharias to complete his prayers.
i. They were intercessory prayers.
ii. The priests were to pray on behalf of the nation of Israel.
d. The worshippers also offered their own personal prayers to God.

经文:路加福音 1:8-10


1. 祭司的事工是上帝所命定的

a. 上帝给予摩西指示
b. 祭司被分别为圣在帐幕中为上帝做事工
c. 圣殿建成后,祭司便在圣殿里侍奉

2. 祭司和他们的事工是由大卫王和大祭司撒督和亚希米勒策划的《历代志上 24:3》

a. 有些做圣所的首领 《历代志上 24:5c》
b. 其他一些人做神面前的首领《历代志上 24:5d》
c. 还有一些是做书记的(作家、教师)《历代志上 24:6》
d. 他们有班次要遵守 《历代志上 24:19》
e. 他们有利未人的协助《历代志上 24-26》
i. 有些是音乐家
ii. 其他人是守门人


1. 他在上帝面前供祭司的职分《路加福音 1:8》

2. 按班次进主殿烧香是他的本分《路加福音 1:9》

3. 烧香是敬拜的一部分

a. 上帝吩咐要筑一个香坛《出埃及记 30:1-5》
b. 这个香坛是用纯金做的
c. 比撒列做了香坛《出埃及记 38:22》
d. 制作并献上特别的香
e. 这只能由祭司完成

4. 这部分敬拜被称为“烧香的时侯”《路加福音 1:10》

5. 会众(非祭司)

a. 他们不被允许进入“圣地”
b. 香坛就放在那里
c. 他们等待撒迦利亚完成他的祷告
i. 这都是代祷
ii. 祭司要代表以色列国祷告
d. 众敬拜者也向上帝献上他们个人的祷告