Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 202

Text: Genesis 28: 3-4


Genesis 28:3-4

3 May God Almighty bless you,
And make you fruitful and multiply you,
That you may be an assembly of peoples;
4 And give you the blessing of Abraham,
To you and your descendants with you,
That you may inherit the land
In which you are a stranger,
Which God gave to Abraham.”


1. This was the “blessing” that Isaac gave to Jacob

a. It was a prayer.
b. It was a farewell prayer for Jacob.

2. Content of this prayer

a. The LORD’s name was invoked. “May God Almighty bless you.”
b. Prayer for future blessing
i. To be fruitful in all his endeavours.
ii. To be productive as far as his family was concerned (children).
iii. His family would become “an assembly of peoples”.

3. The blessing of Abraham

a. Abraham was singularly blessed.
b. This was a genuine desire and hope for Jacob to be as personally blessed.
c. One of the promises of God was that Abraham and his descendants would inherit the land of Canaan. Isaac was aware of this and he prayed that this would be fulfilled in Jacob’s life.
d. This was a promise that God gave to Abraham, but it was not yet fulfilled.
e. Isaac echoed the faith of his father Abraham and gave this word of assurance to Jacob before he left his home in Canaan for Padan Aram.

经文:创世记 28:3-4


《创世记 28:3-4》
3 愿全能的神赐福给你,使你生养众多,成为多族,

4 将应许亚伯拉罕的福赐给你和你的后裔,使你承受你所寄居的地为业,就是神赐给亚伯拉罕的地。”


1. 这是以撒给雅各的“祝福”

a. 这是他的祷告
b. 这是个给雅各的告别祷告

2. 祷告的内容

a. 他吁求了上帝的名 -“愿全能的神赐福给你”
b. 祷告祈求将来的祝福
i. 在他一切的工作中都能取得成果
ii. 在家庭方面能生养众多(指儿女)
iii. 使他的一家能“成为多族”

3. 亚伯拉罕的祝福

a. 亚伯拉罕得到了各别及特殊的祝福
b. 真诚渴望雅各也能得到自身的祝福
c. 上帝其中的一个应许就是把迦南地赐给亚伯拉罕与他的后裔。以撒清楚了解这一点,并祷告祈求这也会在雅各的生命里应验
d. 这是上帝给予亚伯拉罕的应许,但未应验
e. 以撒与他的父亲,亚伯拉罕有着同样的信心,并在离开迦南地而前往巴旦亚兰之前给了雅各这个凭据