Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 73

Text: Exodus 12: 8-11


Exodus 12:8-11

8 Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.
9 Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted in fire—its head with its legs and its entrails.
10 You shall let none of it remain until morning, and what remains of it until morning you shall burn with fire.
11 And thus you shall eat it: with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. So you shall eat it in haste. It is the LORD’s Passover.


1. The Fellowship Meal

a. The flesh of the lamb was to be roasted by fire.
b. It was to be eaten with unleavened bread.
c. They are to eat the lamb with bitter herbs.

2. What is forbidden

a. The lamb cannot be eaten raw.
b. It cannot be boiled.
c. It must be roasted in fire.
i. The head
ii. The legs
iii. The entrails

3. Nothing is to be left till the morning

a. No leftovers.
b. What was not consumed would be burned.

4. Manner of having this Fellowship Meal

a. The members of the family must be fully dressed.
i. Belt on the waist.
ii. Sandals on the feet.
iii. Staff in the hand.
b. They are to eat in haste.
They must act in faith that they would leave Egypt shortly.

5. The LORD’s Passover

a. It was a Feast that God Himself commanded.
b. It would commemorate the night God passed over Egypt.
i. He would slay those who disobeyed Him.
ii. He would spare those who believed in Him.

经文:出埃及记 12:8-11


《出埃及记 12:8-11》
8 当夜要吃羊羔的肉,用火烤了,与无酵饼和苦菜同吃。
9 不可吃生的,断不可吃水煮的,要带着头、腿、五脏,用火烤了吃。
10 不可剩下一点留到早晨,若留到早晨,要用火烧了。

11 你们吃羊羔当腰间束带,脚上穿鞋,手中拿杖,赶紧地吃。这是耶和华的逾越节。


1. 团契餐

a. 羊羔的肉要用火烤
b. 与无酵饼同吃
c. 与苦菜同吃

2. 禁止做的

a. 羊羔不可生吃
b. 不可吃水煮的
c. 一定要用火烤
i. 头
ii. 腿
iii. 五脏

3. 不可剩下一点留到早晨

a. 不能吃剩
b. 若有剩,就要用火烧

4. 吃团契餐的方式

a. 一家都须在穿着上做好准备
i. 腰间束带
ii. 脚上穿鞋
iii. 手中拿杖
b. 他们也需要赶紧吃

5. 上帝的逾越节

a. 这是上帝自己设立的节日
b. 它将记念上帝越过埃及的那晚
i. 祂会击杀那些不遵从于祂的
ii. 祂会饶过那些信靠祂的