Daily Devotions


Day 179

"You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples." Psalm 77:14

Text: Genesis 26:1-35


The Philistines must have been astonished that Isaac did not fight them! They must have been even more surprised that Isaac had discovered the old wells and discovered new ones as well.

“Also Isaac’s servants dug in the valley, and found
a well of running water there.”


If Isaac had access to water, the Philistines would not see the defeat and the demise of their “enemies”. They had not chosen to wage war against Isaac, for they knew their potential strength. The Philistines would resort to harassment instead. How would Isaac respond to their harassment?

“But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen,
saying, ‘The water is ours.’ So he called the name of the well Esek,
because they quarreled with him.”


Isaac continued to refuse to be drawn to the use of force to settle the dispute of the wells that they had dug! How should he respond? With tremendous strength of character and faith, Isaac chose to move to yet another area. The well that he had freshly dug, he had named Esek, meaning, “quarrel”.


Where was God all this while? The Lord was watching over Isaac. He would not allow the Philistines to harm Isaac. That much Isaac knew! The Lord had protected him when he first stepped into the land of Gerar (Genesis 26:6-12). There was no reason to think that God would not continue to protect him, despite the harassment that he endured from the Philistine herdsmen. Isaac continued to choose the path of non-violence. Faith in God would enable him to find strength to endure somehow!

“Then they dug another well, and they quarreled over
that one also. So he called its name Sitnah.”


Sitnah was another symbolic name. It meant “quarrel”. The Philistines also quarreled with Isaac over the ownership of this well! Would the Philistines keep harassing them? Would Isaac continue to choose to walk this path? How could he stand it?


Isaac chose to remain steadfast in his faith in God. He would not resort to violence over material things! He would find the strength to walk in his dignity and faith in God, no matter how many times he was harassed! How much easier it would be to fight. He had an army of men! The Philistines both envied and feared him. If they had not, they would have waged war already! Isaac, the son of Abraham would walk in dignity and faith as he had been taught. He would not resort to violence!