Daily Devotions


Day 8

"All is vanity"

Text: Ecclesiastes 1:14


Solomon had both extensive knowledge and experience of life. With great candidness, he made this statement.

“I have seen all the works that are done under the sun;
and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind.”
Ecclesiastes 1:14

1. “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun”

a) “I have seen”
i) This described the Preacher’s approach to his quest for knowledge.
ii) Books were not easily available.
iii) Nor were there many books written in those days.
iv) The approach taken was to learn from experience.
b) “All the works that are done under the sun”
i) The word “all” does not mean “every single thing”.
ii) The word “all” means “a vast number of things”.
iii) This is a reference to the works of the children of men.
iv) Under the sun is another way of saying, “On this earth”.

2. “And indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind”

a) “And indeed”
i) This expresses a sense of “inescapable reality”.
ii) The writer was convinced he was right after having so many things (works).
b) “All is vanity”
i) The works of mankind seems to be “futile”.
ii) This sense of futility was hard to shake off.
c) “And grasping for the wind”
i) It was like grasping for the wind which is impossible.
ii) This was another way of expressing a frustrating sense of futility felt in the heart and mind.
d) This was the starting point of his research.
i) He sought to grapple with a sense of despair.
ii) Life was not appealing because of this sense of futility (vanity).