14 March 2021

Sunday School Special : Lesson 51

Sunday School Special : Lesson 51
Text: Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:14-20; Luke 5:1-11

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Sunday School Special

Message Notes


Text: Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:14-20; Luke 5:1-11

Subject: Evangelism


1. The Calling of the first Disciples

a) Similar story
i) Matthew’s Account (Matthew 4:18-22 )
ii) Mark’s Account (Mark 1:14-20)
b) Additional material in Luke’s account (Luke 5:1-11)

2. The Essential Story Line

a) The Lord Jesus called four fishermen
b) He said:
i) Follow Me (Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17)
ii) I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17)
iii) Do not be afraid (Luke 5:10)
iv) From now on, you will catch men (Luke 5:10)


1. What is Evangelism?

a) A basic question 
b) Answers must be found

2. Many considerations have been offered:

a) “Sharing our faith”
b) “Helping people to find faith in the Lord Jesus Christ”
c) “Winning a soul”

3. One definition the Lord Jesus used:

a) Being a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17)
b) Catching men (Luke 5:10)


1. Whose responsibility is evangelism?

a) The pastor?
b) The gifted evangelist?
c) The Sunday School teacher?

2. The answer:

a) Every believer
b) Sharing our faith should be a natural thing to do
c) Helping someone come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
i) Good
ii) Important
iii) Necessary
iv) Wise 


1. “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17)

a) We can learn
b) We must learn
c) We must learn well
d) We can learn 
i) From reading books
ii) From the example of people good at sharing the Gospel
iii) From personal efforts

2. It is important that we learn from the Lord Jesus Christ

a) There is no one better than the Lord Jesus Christ as our Example
b) He was truly a Master-Evangelist
c) He taught a group of Disciples to become good evangelists 

3. Our challenge is to follow closely

a) We must observe well
b) We must desire to learn
c) We must put into practise what we learnt


1. There must be a Message to be shared

a) A message from the Lord
b) A message noted in the Scriptures
c) A message that is relevant
d) A message that is well-conveyed
e) A message that could help someone believe in the Lord Jesus Christ

2. This is the Message the Lord Jesus proclaimed

a) Matthew’s account
i) “Repent” (Matthew 4:17a)
ii) “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17b)
b) Mark’s account
i) “The time is fulfilled” (Mark 1:15a)
ii) “The kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15b)
iii) “Repent” (Mark 1:15c)
iv) “Believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15d)


1. Different terms used

a) The Kingdom of God (Mark 1:15)
b) The Kingdom of heaven (Matthew 4:17)
 They refer to the same thing, though expressed differently

2. Understanding “God”

a) He is a King
b) He has a Kingdom
c) This Kingdom is in heaven
d) This King has a message for the world
i) It is an invitation to enter into His Kingdom
ii) It comes with all the means needed to enter into His Kingdom 

3. The Kingdom of God/ Heaven is at hand

a) It is close by
b) It is within reach
c) It is real
d) It can be understood
e) The kingdom of heaven is open to all
f) It is such a privilege to have an invitation from God
g) It is to be taken seriously for it has to do with our souls
h) It has to do with eternity
i) It could lead to great blessings 

4. Repentance

a) Realization of sin
b) Conviction of sin
c) Regret and remorse
d) Turning away from sin
e) Seeking forgiveness
f) Seeking a new life in Christ Jesus


1. The place of God

a) Many do not know much about God
b) They do not understand why we speak about faith in God
c) They have no interest in the Scriptures

2. The problem of sin

a) Many do not understand much about sin
b) They do not realise that sin has adversely affected their life
c) Many do not see themselves as sinful

3. The focus of many is with reference to Life on earth

a) To do well in school
b) To get a good job
c) To have a happy life
d) The world and its attractions are very real to many people
e) There is no real interest:
i) In things spiritual and invisible
ii) In God or His kingdom


1. Desire to learn

Let’s seek to learn how to be a fisher of men

2. Determining to learn

a) Biblical terms
b) How to use Biblical language effectively

3. Drawn to prayer

a) Let us seek the Lord in prayer
b) Let us pray for people who need the Lord in their life