07 March 2021

Sunday School Special : Lesson 50

Sunday School Special : Lesson 50
Text: Jeremiah 17:1-18

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Sunday School Special

Message Notes


Text: Jeremiah 17:1-18

Subject: “Like a shrub or Like a Tree planted by the waters”


1. The prophet Jeremiah

a) He was specially called to be a prophet of God (Jeremiah 1)
b) He was a young person when God called him
c) There were reasons why God called him at such a young age

2. Three reasons may be highlighted:

a) An example
He would be an example to other young people
b) A rebuke
He would be a rebuke to those who were older but were not serving well
c) Many good years of service
He would be able to offer many years of good service to the Lord


1. The sins were deeply etched 

a) Like a diamond point of a pen (Jeremiah 17:1)
b) On the heart (Jeremiah 17:1)

2. A short list of the sins

a) Idolatry (Jeremiah 17:2)
i) Wooden images
ii) Green trees on the high hills (Jeremiah 17:2)
b) Placing trust in man rather than God (Jeremiah 17:5a)
c) Departing from God (Jeremiah 17:5b)
d) The wickedness of the heart
i) Deceitful
ii) Desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9)
e) Unlawful acts
i) Like a partridge that broods
ii) But not its own eggs
iii) Obtaining riches by wrong means (Jeremiah 17:11)
f) Forsaking of God, who is the hope of Israel
Departing from the LORD (Jeremiah 17:13)
g) Forsaking the LORD, the fountain of living waters (Jeremiah 17:13)

3. Consequences of sins

a) The heritage of God would be lost (Jeremiah 17:4a)
b) Serving the enemies as slaves (Jeremiah 17:4b)
c) Kindling the fire of God’s anger (Jeremiah 17:4c)
d) A curse from the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5a)
e) Compared to a shrub in the desert (Jeremiah 17:6a)
Will not see when good comes


1. Blessed is the man (Jeremiah 17:7)

a) He trusts in the LORD
b) He hopes in the LORD

2. The LORD

a) A glorious high throne from the beginning (Jeremiah 17:12a)
b) Is the place of our sanctuary (Jeremiah 17:12b)
c) The LORD is the hope of Israel (Jeremiah 17:13a)
d) The LORD is the fountain of living waters (Jeremiah 17:13f)

3. Description of the man blessed by God

a) Like a tree planted by the rivers of water (Jeremiah 17:8a)
b) Roots well spread out by the river (Jeremiah 17:8b)
c) Will not fear when the heat comes (Jeremiah 17:8c)
d) Its leaf will be green (Jeremiah 17:8d)
e) No anxiety in the time of drought (Jeremiah 17:8e)
f) Will not cease from yielding fruit (Jeremiah 17:8f)


1. Prayer 

a) In response
b) In humble realization

2. Content of prayer

a) In need of Healing (spiritual)
“Heal me, O LORD,
And I shall be healed” Jeremiah 17:14a
b) In need of saving (deliverance)
“Save me,
And I shall be saved” Jeremiah 17:14b

3. Circumstances of life

a) Taunt from enemies
“Where is the word of the LORD?
Let it come now!” Jeremiah 17:15
i) Defiance
ii) Denial
iii) Denigrating remark
b) Jeremiah’s feelings were affected deeply
There was some fear felt and frustration too.

4. Confession of Jeremiah

a) Faithfulness to the Lord
“As for me, I have not hurried away from being a shepherd who follows You” Jeremiah 17:16a
b) Denial of wrong teaching/desire
“Nor have I desired the woeful day” Jeremiah 17:16b
i) The woeful day refers to God’s judgment
ii) Jeremiah was accused of wishing that God would judge Judah
iii) Jeremiah had to preach about Judgment
iv) But he had never desired God’s judgment to fall on the nation
c) Appeal to God’s omniscience
“You know what came out of my lips;
It was right there before You” Jeremiah 17:16c
i) Jeremiah had taught carefully
ii) He had taught correctly
iii) He was misrepresented
iv) Accusations against him were false
d) Praying for God’s continued presence
i) God as his hope (Jeremiah 17:17)
ii) Not his terror
iii) The greatest fear is that God would depart from His servant
e) Praying against enemies who persecuted him
i) May they be ashamed (Jeremiah 17:18a)
ii) That they may be dismayed (Jeremiah 17:18b)
iii) That they may be destroyed in the day of their doom (judgment) (Jeremiah 17:18c)
f) Praying in hope and trust
i) That God would not cause him to be put to shame (Jeremiah 17:18b)
ii) That God would not cause him to be dismayed (Jeremiah 17:18c)


1. Deal with sins in life thoroughly

The sowing of sin would result in reaping disaster

2. Pray candidly and earnestly

3. Be faithful and steadfast amidst tough circumstances in life

4. Seek to be that man blessed by the Lord

5. Pray for fruitfulness in life