by Pastor Mitch
August 04, 2013

Wise Words That Stir The Spirit To Be Strong

Jerrie Jiang is presently going through the last part of her third round of chemotherapy. And she had a big smile on her face when I saw her during the week. There was such an upbeat spirit within her that is truly a testimony of the Lord’s sustaining strength within her. Prayer has made a difference for her. Encouragement from the Church has spurred her on. Her own personal faith and positivity has strengthened her mind and spirit to face the challenge of chemotherapy. I thank God for the way she is coping with her cancer problem. As I reflect on what she is going through, it is important for us to have words from the Bible about having wisdom and strength as we face the challenges of life. Have you ever come across words that can stir and challenge the heart and spirit to be strong? There are three Bible verses from the book of Proverbs that have actually challenged me to do so.

1. Don’t Faint In The Day Of Adversity

“If you faint in the day of adversity, 
Your strength is small.”
Proverbs 24:10

How do we know whether we are truly strong within? The only way to evaluate this is to see our reactions and responses when we are tested by life’s challenges and problems. If in the midst of such trials, we become faint and feel like giving up, it is indicative that we are not strong within. The challenge for us is to learn to be strong enough to not faint in the day of difficulty. Jerrie is going through personal adversity as she fights for her life against cancer with chemotherapy. Although she was feeling a bit down when she was ICU initially, her spirit is so much more upbeat now. She is not fainting in the day of adversity. Let us also seek to not allow the challenges of life to get us down. Our part is to exercise faith in the Lord and to find the strength and courage to press on.

2. The Righteous Will Have A “Never-Say-Die” Spirit

“For the righteous man may fall seven times 
And rise again,
But the wicked shall fall by calamity.”
Proverbs 24:16

In life, there will be moments where we may stumble and fall. Everyone will experience this in one way or another. And yet the righteous man will find the tenacity of faith and spirit to get up and persevere. Even if he were to fall down seven times or more, there will be a “never-say-die” spirit within him that does not keep him down. This is because he has sought to live righteously. There comes an inner-man strength within a person because he fears the Lord and walks uprightly. On the other hand, the wicked will fall by the calamity of life and he will not rise again. Young people, let’s have this “never-say-die” spirit even though we may stumble and fall from time to time. Let’s pick ourselves up, shake the dust off our hands and body, pray and press on.

3. Wisdom Begets Strength

“A wise man is strong, 
Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength”
Proverbs 24:5

When we are wise, we will find strength within our heart, mind and soul. Wisdom will enable a young person to be strong to face the challenges of life. A man of understanding will not be contented with what he knows. He will seek for further knowledge and increase wisdom. As he gains further knowledge, there will come greater strength. Knowledge is power. Young people, let’s seek to be wise in all that we do. Let’s increase in the knowledge of the word of God that we may increase strength to face the challenges of life. Let’s seek wisdom and knowledge always that we may grow in strength spiritually.

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