by Pastor Mitch
February 19, 2006

Bearing Witness With Our Lives

Witnessing is not just limited to the usual sharing of the gospel. There is more to it. It requires that we live our lives well too. In his last chapter of the epistle to the Colossian Church, Paul wrote of the need to walk wisely before those who are non-believers.

“Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.”
Colossians 4:5

It is vital that we choose wisely how we want to behave in front of our friends who do not know the Lord Jesus. They may be constantly scrutinizing how we live. The idea of “redeeming the time” means to live in such a way that we are trying to buy back time. There is a sense of urgency in seeking to make full use of our time. If we are constantly wasting time, then people would see us as unwise and foolish. Let’s be challenged to bear witness for the Lord by exercising great discernment in our daily choices. There must be a greater sense of urgency and wisdom in how we live.

Learning How To Answer Questions Well

Furthermore, we must also learn to answer well questions raised by non-believers.

1. Cultivating Graciousness

“Let your speech always be with grace”
Colossians 4:6

It is crucial that we have a gracious disposition as we answer questions raised up by our friends. When the Lord Jesus taught the people, it was with gracious words.

“So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth.”
Luke 4:22

His words were characterized by graciousness. When we share our faith with others, we must avoid ending up in heated arguments. Our faith must enable us to be gracious in our speech to non-believers. Our speech must always be with grace.

2. Learning To Answer With Great Skill

“Seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”
Colossians 4:6

Not only must we cultivate graciousness in our answers, we must also learn to answer effectively. Our words must be “seasoned with salt”. Salt was something that was of worth in the Roman era. The Soldier’s salary included bags of salt. Salt was also used as a distinct favouring for food. When we answer questions raised by people, we ought to be skilful in the way we answer. Our replies to their questions ought to be of worth. They ought to be so distinct that people are impressed by them. Let’s be committed to knowing how to defend our faith competently. This weekend, at YPG II, we are going to learn how to deal with questions with regards to creation. Let’s come that we may know how to answer effectively from the Scriptures.

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