by Pastor Mitch
October 28, 2007

The Example Of The Lord Jesus In Being A Great Learner

The greatest teachers are, very often, those who are the best learners. The Lord Jesus epitomised for us what it means to be a good learner. Many have come to appreciate the Lord Jesus as a great teacher. He was such because He was a consistent learner. The text of Isaiah 50:4-6 denotes how utterly capable and effectual the Lord Jesus was in ministry.

“The Lord God has given Me
The tongue of the learned,
That I should know how to speak
A word in season to him who is weary.” 

Isaiah 50:4

God had taught the Lord Jesus to be a learned disciple and He knew, with great discernment, how to speak a relevant and encouraging word to those who were weary and disheartened. How did the Lord Jesus go about learning from God till he became such an effective servant of God?

1. Keeping A Routine To Meet With God

“He awakens Me morning by morning”
Isaiah 50:4

The Lord Jesus sought to be with His Father morning by morning. He made it into a daily routine to get up early in the morning to meet with His Father and Teacher.

2. Hearing The Lord’s Voice

“He awakens My ear
To hear as the learned.” 

Isaiah 50:4

The Lord Jesus sought to hear His Father speak to Him each morning too. He determined to listen to what God has to say to Him through His word. Bit by bit, day by day, God would stir His ears to hear His voice speaking to Him.

3. Relying On The Lord To Open Our Understanding

“The Lord God has opened My ear” 
Isaiah 50:5

Not only would He seek to hear God’s voice, He also saw the need for the Lord God to open up His understanding. He needed the Lord to reveal His lessons to Him each day. Without God opening up His perception, He would not be able to ascertain His truths.

4. Submitting To The Word Of God

“And I was not rebellious,
Nor did I turn away.
I gave My back to those who struck Me,
And My cheeks to those who plucked out the beard” 

Isaiah 50:5-6

Some of the lessons taught to the Lord Jesus were tough ones to learn. He was taught that He would have to go through much suffering and opposition. The Lord Jesus was not rebellious and yielded to the word of the Lord. Young people, let’s also seek to be taught by God each day. Let’s follow the Lord Jesus’s example in submitting to the word.

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