by Pastor Mitch
May 06, 2007

The Fact Of Overcoming The Wicked One

It is obvious that we are living in a world where darkness exerts a big influence. There is so much sin in this world. Many people continue to reject God and His ways. Only a remnant of true Christians hold on the truth of God’s word. And yet, the fact of the matter is that the evil one is fighting a losing battle. In the text of 1 John 2:14, the apostle John wrote of the fact that Satan is a defeated foe.

“Young men… you have overcome the wicked one.”
1 John 2:14

In the mind of John, he saw the defeat of Satan as something that had already occurred. He classified the devil as an enemy that was already overcome. The Lord Jesus has dealt a death blow to the evil one (Hebrews 2:14). John also saw the fact that young people can live as victorious Christians. They can overcome the ways of the evil one. This fact should motivate and inspire us to win this battle against the evil one.

The Possibility Of Have A Strong Christian Life

“I have written to you, young men,
Because you are strong”

1 John 2:14

While the evil one is defeated, he is still very deadly. He is like a lion that has been fatally shot but is still limping around dangerously. The lion can still maim and kill. Our challenge as young people is to be strong. John recognised and acknowledged that the young people whom he was writing to were spiritually strong. It was possible for these young people to be strong because they knew the Lord personally. Their faith in the Lord Jesus helped them overcome the evil one. Those who are born of God and know our Saviour will be specially kept and the evil one cannot touch them at will. Young people, it is possible for us to be strong in the Lord.

The Road To Victory: Letting The Word Of God Abide In Us

“And the word of God abides in you”
1 John 2:14

Our challenge is to let the word of God abide in us. When we imbibe the word of God, it will make us strong against the evil one. When the Lord Jesus was tempted by Satan, it was His knowledge of the Scriptures that enabled Him to resist effectively. How can the Word of God abide within us? We must take time to review and reflect on what we have heard from the word. Very often, we do not take the time to review what we have learnt. Furthermore, we must take time to put God’s word into memory. Memorising the Scriptures is another important step to imbibing the Word. We are to also pray that the Word will work in our lives and transform us slowly but surely. Ultimately, we must seek to practise the word and make it a part of our lives. When the word is so much a part of our personal lifestyle, we will be strong against our spiritual foe. We can overcome the evil one.

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