by Pastor Mitch
November 28, 2010

Great Benefits Of Loving The Word Of God

Youth Conference is just around the corner. Obviously, one of the things that we would be doing throughout that week is to study the word of God. In our endeavour to understand the theme “The Love of God”, we pray that you will be able to cultivate a love for His precious word too. Young people, there is so much that we can gain when we cultivate a love for the Scriptures. The Psalmist is an example for us to follow after.

“But I love Your law.”
Psalm 119:163

The Scriptures were something he treasured. He loved the word of God so much that he hated the sin of lying, which was against what the Scriptures stood for. As he loved the truth of the word, he experienced great benefits from reading and knowing the word. What were some of these benefits?

1. Great Joy

“I rejoice at Your word
As one who finds great treasure.” 

Psalm 119:162

The joy that the Psalmist found from the word of God could be compared to him finding great treasure. The word of God brought a great sense of joy to his heart.

2. Great Peace

“Great peace have those who love Your law” 
Psalm 119:165

The Psalmist also experienced a great sense of peace within his heart. As he loved the Scriptures, there came tremendous stillness of heart, mind and spirit. We too can find such surpassing peace when we love His word.

Great Responses To Great Benefits

How did the Psalmist respond further as he experienced these great benefits?

1. Great Praise For His Word

“Seven times a day I praise You,
Because of your righteous judgments.” 

Psalm 119:164

Because he benefited so much from the word of God, he gave great praise to Him. Seven times a day, he praised the Lord for His word. Let’s also seek to do the same.

2. Greater Love For His Word

“And I love them exceedingly.” 
Psalm 119:167

The Psalmist also responded in increasing his love for the word of God. He sought to keep it with all his heart. Young people, let’s also seek to cultivate a greater love for His word.

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