Your Way Was In The Sea
By Pastor Mitch
December 13, 2017
This was a picture taken over the South China Sea on the way back from Korea some years ago. The sea was reflecting a glorious sunset as the day was ending. Immediately, I was reminded of a Psalm that Asaph wrote.
Your way was in the sea, your path in the great waters…” Psalm 77:19
The Psalmist Asaph was going through a time where he was deeply troubled. But he refused to be comforted. His spirit was overwhelmed when he complained and as he entertained all kinds of doubts. However, he did remember the works of the Lord and sought to meditate on them. He recalled how the Lord’s way was in the sanctuary (Psalm 77:13). The Lord God and His ways can be discovered through the usual means of worship. As Asaph worshipped and sought the Lord, the Lord would show His way.
The Lord’s way can also be discovered in the sea. The Lord can be discovered beyond the normal means. As Moses discovered how the Lord showed him and the people of Israel a way through the Red Sea (Exo. 14), even so the Lord could show Asaph a way through seemingly impossible situations. The Lord could make a way through the great waters. He could lead in a way that is beyond what we can think. This is what faith is. It is seeing and doing the impossible through God’s leading and help.
And your footsteps were not known…” Psalm 77:19
Was the Lord there in the midst of the opening of the Red Sea? Yes, He was. There was a great wind that opened up the sea. However, His footsteps were not made known. The people of Israel could not see His footsteps as He walked among them. What does this mean? The crossing of the Red Sea is not an established practice (footsteps). The Lord God can reveal Himself in a variety of ways. The Lord has the prerogative to reveal part of His glory or conceal it. This is a most humbling thought to ponder over. There is so much more that we can discover of the Lord and His ways. We must never allow ourselves to limit Him. Let’s seek to discover the Lord through normal means. And yet there is so much more that we can discover of the Lord and His ways. Truly, His way is in the sea. Let’s seek to humble ourselves before this great God and to discover Him in far greater ways.