Youth Worship 17th February 2024 : The-LORD-Is-My-Banner

Text: Exodus 17:8-16
17 February 2024

YOUTH WORSHIP 17 February 2024
Text: Exodus 17:8-16
Title: “The-LORD-Is-My-Banner”


1. God meeting the needs of the children of Israel on 3 occasions

a. Bitter waters of Marah made sweet Exodus 15:22-27
b. Provision of manna and quail Exodus 16
c. Providing water from a rock Exodus 17:1-7

2. The unfortunate responses of the children of Israel

a. They complained
b. They disobeyed
c. They contended with God
d. They tempted the LORD


1. Amalek

a. They were a group of people in the Wilderness of Sin
b. They came and fought with the children of Israel Exodus 17:8

2. A comparison with the Philistines

a. God did not lead the children of Israel by way of the land of the Philistines Exodus 13:17-18
i. The Philistines were a warring nation
ii. They would surely wage a long and arduous war with the children of Israel
iii. This would cause the children of Israel to lose heart
b. The Amalekites
i. They were more like raiders
ii. They sought to plunder and kill the weak
iii. They would not continue to wage war against those stronger than them

3. The children of Israel would learn important lessons of faith from this battle


1. The past 3 incidents of food and water Exodus 15-17

a. There was tension between Moses as leader with the people
b. All 3 incidents were resolved through Moses seeking God

2. Going to battle

a. Moses could not resolve this problem alone
b. Others would need to come alongside
c. The entire community would need to face this battle together

3. The battle plan

a. The physical battle Exodus 17:9a
i. Joshua (first mention) was chosen to lead the army of Israel
ii. Joshua would then choose others
iii. They would fight the physical battle with Amalek
b. The spiritual battle Exodus 17:9b-10
i. Moses would stand on top of the hill with the rod of God
ii. He would pray for God’s help and be accompanied by Aaron and Hur
iii. They would fight the spiritual battle
iv. Israel would not win this battle without God’s help


1. God

a. He has the power to wipe out Amalek quickly
b. He swallowed up Pharaoh and his chariots
in the Red Sea Exodus 14
c. But He wanted the children of Israel to learn important lessons of trusting in Him

2. It is God who grants the victory Exodus 17:11-13

a. The intense battle with Amalek
i. The children of Israel prevailed when Moses lifted the rod of God up
ii. Amalek prevailed when Moses let down the rod of God
b. The victory over Amalek
i. The battle lasted an entire day
ii. The battle was won through perseverance and prayer
iii. The children of Israel defeated Amalek with God’s help


1. God’s Word to Moses after the battle Exodus 17:14

a. To write and recount
i. How God defeated Amalek
ii. How God will utterly remove Amalek for their attack on the children of Israel
b. The children of Israel would not need to fear as long as God was on their side

2. “The-LORD-Is-My-Banner” Exodus 17:15-16

a. Moses’ response
i. He built an altar
ii. He worshipped and gave thanks to God
iii. He named the altar, “The-LORD-Is-My-Banner”
b. The beautiful significance of the LORD as Banner
i. God is the One who leads
ii. God is the One all must unite and rally to
iii. God is the One who grants the victory
c. The children of Israel must ever seek to be confident in God as their Banner!


1. Being part of a community of faith

a. We need each other to overcome life’s challenges
i. Physical needs
ii. Spiritual needs
b. Let us learn to
i. Look out for each other
ii. Depend on each other
iii. Be there for each there

2. Exercising faith in God

a. God is most crucial in our lives
b. Like a Banner
i. He will lead us amidst life’s challenges
ii. He will bring others alongside us

iii. He will enable us to live victoriously

c. Our challenge to believe and be confident in Him!

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7