The Resurrection of the Dead

Text: Mark 9:9-13, Mathew 17:1-13, Luke 9:28-36
6 July 2014


1. This doctrine was not expounded much in the Old Testament

a) The focus was life on earth
b) The emphasis was living righteously as God’s people

2. This does not mean that it was not mentioned

3. Significant texts:-

a) You will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption            Psalm 16:10
b) And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever            Psalm 23:6
c) But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, for He shall receive me            Psalm 49:15
d) I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death.

O Death, I will be your plagues!

O Grave, I will be your destruction!            Hosea 13:14

4. The doctrine was not well taught

a) The Sadducees do not even believe in the resurrection of the dead
b) The Pharisees were more concerned about the keeping of the Law
c) The Herodians were not interested in anything but politics
d) The Zealots were focused on resisting the Romans

5. Jesus taught and emphasised this important doctrine

a) There is Hope after this life on earth
b) There is a resurrection of the dead
c) The Transfiguration illustrated the reality of the resurrection of the dead

6. The lack of comprehension and appreciation

a) Ignorance
b) Not so real yet
c) No appreciation of the significance of Eternity
d) The focus was still on things on this earth
e) Jesus had to help the disciples to expand their horizon
f) The resurrection of the dead would become a central teaching of the Gospel



“This is My beloved Son…” were the first words God spoke out loud,
John the Baptiser heard that Divine Voice amidst the huge and noisy crowd.
He was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah sent from the Lord,
Thus he proclaimed Jesus to the multitude as “The Lamb of God.”

Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and was given great power,
He wielded that power with compassion, meeting the needs of the hour.
There were so many who were ill and they cried out to Him for mercy and grace,
Lovingly and gently He tended to them and drew those who had faith into His embrace.

Yet despite all that He revealed to them that He was indeed the Son of God,
Many doubted and they could not truly comprehend that He was Lord!
Even His beloved Disciples had trouble understanding His Divine Identity,
The Father had to step in and revealed to them a perplexing Mystery.

Once again, the Father declared, “This is My Beloved Son,”
Moses and Elijah appeared and they spoke as One.
“Hear Him…” were sage words that the Disciples needed to apply,
They must cease to speak out of turn and learn, on Jesus, to fully rely.

Inspiration: Mark 9:7, Matthew 3:17