The Growing Up Years

Text: Luke 2
21 April 2013


1. Growing up in Nazareth, Galilee           Luke 2:39

2. Growth of Jesus noted

a) Strong in Spirit
b) Filled with wisdom
c) The grace of God was upon Him           Luke 2:40


1. Celebrating Passover at Jerusalem every year           Luke 2:41

2. At Jerusalem “according to the custom of the feast”           Luke 2:42

3. Parents found that Jesus was missing           Luke 2:43-44

a) Search for Jesus among relatives
b) Search continued among friends

4. Return to Jerusalem to look for Jesus

a) He was found in the temple           Luke 2:45
b) He was listening and asking questions of the teachers           Luke 2:46

5. Astonishment of all who heard Jesus

a) Astonished at His understanding
b) Astonished at His answers           Luke 2 :47

6. Remonstration of Joseph and Mary

a) Why have You done this?
b) Anxiety over Jesus’ disappearance           Luke 2:48

7. Jesus’ reply

a) Why did you seek Me?
b) Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?           Luke 2:49

8. Another observation about the growth of Jesus

a) Increased in wisdom and stature
b) In favour with God and men           Luke 2:52