Ministry Outside the Synagogue

Text: Mark 1; Luke 4; Matthew 8
15 September 2013


1. Ministry in the synagogue of Capernaum          Luke 4:21-28

2. Strangely Jesus did not continue His ministry in the synagogue

3. Possible reasons:-

a) No official permission given
b) Strong reaction by some leaders to the Person and Teachings of Jesus
a) No official permission given
(as when He ministered in Nazareth-          Luke 4:16-30)
c) Unusual and unexpected ministry of Jesus

4. Jesus entered the house of Simon and Andrew          Mark 1:29

a) Their home was made open to the Lord Jesus
b) This was part and parcel of their faith in the Lord Jesus
c) This was discipleship in action

5. Two other disciples were present with Him          Mark 1:29

James and John

6. Healing of Peter’s mother-in-law          Mark 1:30-31

a) She was grateful for her healing
b) She served the Lord Jesus after she was healed
a) She was grateful for her healing
c) An example of an appropriate response to receiving such grace and mercy


1. Ministry from home was unusual

2. Ministry in the evening was even more unusual          Mark 1:32-34; Luke 4:40-44

3. Response to this new ministry

The whole city was gathered together at the door          Mark 1:33

a) The sick with various diseases
b) The demonised
c) Demons were forbidden to speak about the Lord Jesus because they knew Him          Mark 1:34
i) Jesus did not want people to listen to demons
ii) He did not need demons to proclaim His identity