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Text: Psalm 16
29 November 2020


The Psalmist David was also a mighty king. David, because of his success in wars, established Israel as a strong kingdom. As the king, he was entitled to vast wealth. His perspective of his heritage was profoundly different!

LordYou are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;

You maintain my lot.

The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;

Yes, I have a good inheritance.

I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel;

My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.

I have set the Lord always before me;

Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.     Psalm 16:5-8

  1. A reference to physical inheritance

a) God had provided for Israel

b) All the 12 tribes would be given land

c) The larger tribes would have larger parcels of land

d) David would be given “a good inheritance”

  1. A reference to a spiritual inheritance

a) This was David’s focus

b) He preferred to dwell on this aspect of his inheritance


Let us look at two features that may be highlighted:

  1. He spoke of the LORD

a) As the portion of his inheritance

b) The Lord Himself was his “cup”

c) This word represents the LORD’s provision of all His earthly needs

  1. The things he appreciated deeply

a) The counsel of the LORD

b) The closeness of God in his life


David’s response is worth emulating! 

  1. He blessed the LORD
  1. His heart instructed him

a) He meditated

b) His thoughts gave further instruction

  1. He has set the LORD before him

a) He will always consult with the LORD

b) He was thus assured that he would not be easily moved by the trials of life

Let us take time to ponder our spiritual inheritance! May we learn to treasure the Lord as the portion of our inheritance as well!