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Text: Psalm 68: 7-10
26 May 2019


There are memorable times that ought to be recalled from time to time. These are often special historic moments that must be etched indelibly on the heart and mind.

O God, when You went out before Your people,

When You marched through the wilderness,

The earth shook;

The heavens dropped rain at the presence of God;

Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.

You, O God sent a plentiful rain, whereby You confirmed

Your inheritance, when it was weary,

You congregation dwelt in it;

You, O God provided from Your goodness to the poor.     Psalm 68:7-10

  1. You went out before Your people

a) This was God’s way of leading Israel

b) He went before His people

c) He marched through the wilderness

d) What an amazing recall of the days when God led Israel out of Egypt!

  1. The presence of God

a) Rain

i)  The rain would have cooled the heat of the blazing sun in the wilderness

ii) This was appreciated as an indicator of God’s presence among His people

b) Sinai

i)  This was where God spoke to Israel

ii) Sinai trembled at the presence of God

  1. You confirmed Your inheritance

a) God was giving Canaan as an inheritance to Israel

b) Israel then was an agrarian community

c) They would need the rains (Former and latter rains) for a successful harvest

d) The rains came and this too was seen as an indicator of God’s blessings

  1. You provided from Your goodness to the poor

a) The Lord provided much for Israel

b) It began as a poor country

c) Out of His goodness He provided for all

The presence of God is without question a very wonderful doctrine to believe in! Let us seek to appreciate the promise of God’s presence among His people.