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Text: Genesis 17
27 May 2018


We often fail to appreciate the significance of God’s covenants given to man! The words of God giving His covenants are most instructive and uplifting. Let us ponder God’s covenant made with Noah.

  1. God’s Covenant with Noah     Genesis 9:9-11

a) And as for Me

i)   God’s covenant reflects who the Lord is!

ii)  Our focus should be the Lord

iii) Rather than the recipient… Man

b) My covenant

i)   This is important to note

ii)  Let us be reminded that all covenants are the Lord’s!

iii) They originate from Him

iv) They are articulated by Him

c) Behold, I establish My covenant with you, Thus, I establish My covenant

i)   It is God who must establish a Covenant

ii)  Man cannot establish a Covenant for he is powerless

iii) To establish is to make firm or certain

iv) This is to be appreciated at a very personal level

d) And with your descendants

i)   Noah greatly appreciated the covenant given

ii)  How about his descendants?

  1. The sign of the Covenant with Noah Genesis 9:12-17

a) This is the sign of the covenant which I make

i)   Between Me and you

ii)  And every living creature with you

iii) For perpetual generations

b) The rainbow

i)   The rainbow shall be seen in the cloud

ii)  I will remember My covenant

iii) This is the sign which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth 


Let us learn how to treasure the Covenants God has given to mankind. We have all but forgotten His Covenant with Noah and all mankind. Let us seek to cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation for this covenant that still stands till today!