Daily Devotions
"God is able to make him stand."
Text: Romans 14:4
This was a problem that the Lord Jesus Himself dealt with firmly (Cf. Mathew 7:1-5). Judgmentalism has no place in the heart of any believer! This problem nevertheless keeps surfacing up again and again. Paul was right to address this problem as it arose. Judgmentalism must be resisted strenuously- without being judgmental!
“Who are you to judge another’s servant?
To his own master he stands or falls.
Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God
is able to make him stand.”
Romans 14:4
1. An important rhetorical question
a) Who are you to judge another’s servant?
b) The fact is that no one has the right to pass judgment on another person.
c) The analogy drawn is that of a “servant”.
d) An employer (master) may choose whom he wishes to serve him.
e) No one has the right to judge the performance of someone else’s servant.
2. To his own master he stands or falls
a) The servant may indeed fall.
b) On the other hand, the servant may well succeed.
c) The point is obvious:-
i) We are not able to determine how a servant performs ultimately.
ii) The master of the servant (slave) has the final say.
iii) Whether a servant fails or succeeds is nobody else’s business.
3. God is able to make him stand
a) We have to remember that we are talking about God being the Master.
b) God is able to make a supposedly weak servant succeed in life and ministry.
That this is true should not surprise anyone!