Daily Devotions
"For I am hard-pressed between the two..."
Text: Philippians 1:23
The apostle Paul displayed an amazing level of spiritual maturity in the following text.
“For I am hard-pressed between the two,
having a desire to depart and be with Christ,
which is far better.”
Philippians 1:23
1. For many of us
a) We would rather choose life than death.
b) We think of death only when:-
i) We are suffering terribly (terminally ill).
ii) When life seems hopeless.
iii) When we are depressed.
c) We seldom think of death.
i) When we are successful.
ii) When there is still a lot of life in us.
iii) When we have found much happiness in life.
2. For the apostle Paul
a) He felt he was “hard-pressed” to make a choice.
i) To live
ii) To die
b) Having a desire to depart and be with Christ.
i) This does not mean that Paul was suffering from depression.
ii) He displayed tremendous spiritual maturity.
iii) To depart (a reference to death) meant that he would be with his beloved Saviour whom he loved and served with such faithfulness and zeal.
c) “And be with Christ, which is far better”
i) Literally translated “very much better”.
ii) Death was not a form of escapism.
iii) Death was not just a release from the trials and troubles of life.
iv) Death meant being with Christ forever!
It would take great spiritual maturity to be able to utter these words genuinely!