Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 428

A Prediction Of Death

Text: John 21: 19


The words of Jesus to Peter were solemn ones. Jesus warned Peter that one day he would die as a martyr for his faith.

“This He spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He said to him, ‘Follow Me.’” 

John 21:19

1. “This He spoke”

a. As a Teacher giving sound words of knowledge.
b. As a Prophet whose words would be fulfilled.
c. As Lord seeking obedience from Peter.

2. “Signifying by what death he would glorify God”

a. Jesus spoke about ministry first.
i. “Feed My lambs” John 21:15
ii. “Tend My sheep” John 21:16
iii. “Feed My sheep” John 21:17
b. He then spoke about death.
i. Peter would meet with opposition.
ii. The enemy would seek to kill him.
c. Glorifying God:
i. His death would not be in vain.
ii. His death would bring glory to God.

3. “And when He had spoken this, He said to him, ‘Follow Me’”

a. Jesus always sought to speak plainly to His disciples.
b. He would always tell them truthfully all things.
i. This may include pointing out their weaknesses.
ii. It may also include their suffering and death.
c. “Follow Me”
i. This challenge was uttered once again.
ii. It would take faith, courage and love to be able to truly and fully follow the Lord.

经文:约翰福音 21:19




《约翰福音 21:19》

1. “耶稣说这话”

a. 是身为教导智慧的夫子
b. 是身为以话必被应验的先知
c. 是身为寻求彼得的服从的主


a. 耶稣先提到职事
i. “你喂养我的小羊”《约翰福音 21:15》
ii. “你牧养我的羊” 《约翰福音 21:16》
iii.“你喂养我的羊” 《约翰福音 21:17》
i. 彼得将会遇到反对他的人
ii. 敌人会企图处死他
i. 他的死亡不会枉然
ii. 他的死亡将为上帝带来荣耀


a. 耶稣总是很坦白地对门徒们说话
b. 祂一向都据实地告诉他们所有的事情
i. 这也包括指出他们的弱点
i. 这个挑战又再一次被提及
ii. 要真正和完全的跟从主耶稣需要信心、勇气和爱