Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 166

A Further Description of the Shepherd and Sheep Relationship

Text: John 10: 4


A further description is given about the relationship between shepherd and sheep.

“And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.”

John 10:4

1. “And when he brings out his own sheep”

a. This describes the special relationship that exists between the shepherd and his sheep.
b. He brings them up
i. To journey together.
ii. To find pasture.
iii. To feed well in the new pasture.
iv. The shepherd must know what he is doing.
v. He must know where he is going.
vi. The sheep would be totally dependent upon their shepherd.
vii. They would not be able to fend for themselves.
viii. They would not even be able to defend themselves.

2. “He goes before them”

a. This is naturally so.
b. This is expected of the good shepherd.
c. He is the leader and protector of the sheep.

3. “And the sheep follow him”

a. This is quite natural.
b. They hear their shepherd’s voice.
c. All through their life they have followed their shepherd.
d. If He calls, they would instinctively follow Him.

4. “For they know his voice”

a. They know his voice since they were born.
b. They had a very strong relationship established.
c. They would recognise their shepherd’s voice and obey with full trust in him.






1. “既放出自己的羊来”

a. 这形容牧人与羊群之间的特别关系
b. 他把羊群放出来
i. 与羊群同行
ii. 寻找青草地
iii. 在新的绿草地上吃肥美的草,使它们饱足
iv. 牧人必须知道自己在做什么
v. 他必须知道该往哪里走
vi. 羊群得完全依靠牧人
vii. 它们不会照顾与养活自己
viii. 它们甚至没有自卫能力

2. “就在前头走”

a. 这是自然的
b. 这是好牧人当做的
c. 他是羊群的领导者和守护者

3. “羊也跟着他”

a. 这也很自然
b. 它们听牧人的声音
c. 它们一生都跟随着牧人
d. 若牧人呼叫它们,它们会凭着本能跟随牧人

4. “因为认得他的声音”

a. 羊群自出生便能认得牧人的声音
b. 牧人与羊群建立了很坚固的关系
c. 羊群会认识牧人的声音,并完全信靠地服从他