Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 158

The Expulsion of a Person by the Jews

Text: John 9: 35


News of anyone cast out is never a deed done in a corner. The public would soon hear the news. The following are the implications on the society.

1. Public announcement

a. The Jews (Pharisees. were the religious leaders.
b. They would make known to the synagogue and the public in general that they had expelled a person.
c. Reasons for the expulsion would be given.
d. The rulers would defend their decision to expel an individual.
i. He is usually declared a sinner beyond redemption.
ii. No one is supposed to associate with him.
iii. Those who associate with him may suffer the same fate.


His parents were already afraid of the authorities. They did not want to get overly involved in defending their own son. They would certainly not be in a hurry to look for him. It is also unlikely that he had many close friends or relatives who would take him into their homes.

Jesus must have been moved with compassion for the man He had just healed. He knew how he must have felt, all alone and friendless. Jesus sought him out.

“Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, ‘Do you believe in the Son of God?’”

John 9:35

1. “Jesus heard that they had cast him out”

a. The news would have spread like wild fire.
b. Of course, Jesus would hear about his expulsion soon after.
c. This was meant to be a warning signal to all who dared to challenge the power of the authorities.

2. “And when He had found him, He said to him”

a. Jesus sought him till He found him.
b. He offered friendship and understanding.
c. To converse with a man who is ostracised would be taken seriously as something punishable by the Jews.

3. “Do you believe in the Son of God”

a. The man’s need was not just friendship.
b. The most important thing for the former blind man was to have faith in the Son of God!

经文:约翰福音 9:35



1. 公告

a. 犹太人(法利赛人)是宗教的领袖
b. 他们在会堂宣告众人有人被他们赶走
c. 他们会提供那人被赶走的理由
d. 领袖们一定会维护他们赶走那人的决定
i. 他会被称为无可救药的罪人
ii. 任何人都不能够与他有联系
iii. 与他有联系的人们会遭到同样的下场






1. “耶稣听说他们把他赶出去”

a. 这消息很快地被传开
b. 当然,耶稣会听闻他被赶出去的消息
c. 这是给那些想抵抗权势的一种警告

2. “后来遇见他,就说”

a. 耶稣找到他
b. 祂给予一份友情和谅解
c. 与被排斥的人交谈是可能被犹太人处罚的

3. “你信神的儿子吗?

a. 那个人不仅需要友情
b. 对那位曾经瞎眼的人,更重要的是在上帝的儿子里找到信心!