Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 125

Claims to Believe in Jesus

Text: John 8: 31-32


There were some Jews who opposed Jesus openly and rudely. But there were other Jews who appeared to claim that they had come to believe in Him. How would Jesus respond to these claims of faith?

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’”

John 8:31-32

1. “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him”

a. To clarify
b. To make certain
c. To check their faith

2. Four things were highlighted to check faith

a. There must be abiding in the word of the Lord.
i. To abide simply means “to remain”.
ii. To hear and to confess faith in Jesus would not necessarily mean “abiding in the word”.
iii. It would require careful attention to the teachings of Jesus.
iv. Every effort must be made to hide His word in the heart.
b. “You are My disciples”
i. This is a logical and natural follow-through.
ii. Discipleship is an excellent way of proving genuine faith in Jesus.
iii. The examples of the Disciples of Jesus must come to mind.
iv. They gave up everything just to have the privilege and joy of following Jesus.
c. “And you shall know the truth”
i. Knowing the truth is an important goal.
ii. This is not just mental assent though.
iii. Knowledge of truth is precious beyond all the treasures of the world.
iv. Truth is to be prized as much as the wisdom is treasured.
d. “And the truth shall make you free”
i. Free from darkness.
ii. Free from the power of evil and sin.

经文:约翰福音 8:31-32




《约翰福音 8:31-32》

1. “耶稣对信祂的犹太人说”

a. 为了澄清
b. 为了确定
c. 为了查验他们的信实


a. 必须遵守主的道
i. “遵守主的道” 简单的说就是 “主的道常在我们里面”
ii. 听到并承认对耶稣的信实并不一定意味着 “遵守我的道”
iii. 我们需要认真关注耶稣的教训
iv. 必须尽一切努力将祂的话隐藏在心中
b. “就真是我的门徒”
i. 这是合乎逻辑和自然的跟进
ii. 当耶稣的门徒是证明对祂有真实信心的最佳凭据
iii. 我们必想到耶稣的门徒的许多例子
iv. 门徒放弃了所有一切,就为了得到跟随耶稣的这份荣幸及喜乐
c. “你们必晓得真理”
i. 了解真理是一个重要的目标
ii. 这不仅仅是心理上的同意
iii. 能了解真理比世界上所有的宝物都可贵
iv. 真理应该像智慧一样地被珍视
d. “真理必叫你们得以自由”
i. 摆脱黑暗
ii. 摆脱邪恶和罪恶的力量