Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 98

The Questioning of Jesus

Text: John 7: 19-20


The Jews had been questioning Jesus on many fronts. They questioned Jesus on the following:

1. Why did Jesus break the Sabbath by healing a man at the pool of Bethesda? (John 5)

2. Why did Jesus say that He was the Bread which came down from heaven? (John 6)

3. How was Jesus to teach, having never studied? (John 7)

Jesus gave wonderful and profound answers. But His words fell on deaf ears! The Jews were not prepared to listen to Jesus!


It was Jesus turn to ask the Jews two hard questions. He knew their hearts well.

“‘Did not Moses give you the law, yet none of you keeps the law? Why do you seek to kill Me?’ The people answered and said, ‘You have a demon. Who is seeking to kill You?’” 

John 7:19-20

 1. “Did not Moses give you the law, yet none of you keeps the law”

a. The Jews prided themselves that they were keepers and teachers of the Mosaic law.
b. But in reality, they made laws around the laws of Moses.
c. The people were taught to keep the human laws that were built on traditions and not the law of Moses.
d. The people had not kept God’s laws given by Moses.
e. From the earliest times, Israel had broken the laws of God.
f. The Jewish leaders in the days of Jesus were no better- they too did not keep the laws of Moses.

2. “Why do you seek to kill Me”

a. This was carefully noted the first time the Jews desired to kill Jesus (John 5:16).
b. The desire to kill Jesus was noted again (John 5:18).
c. Their reasons:
i. Jesus was perceived to have broken the Sabbath law.
ii. Jesus was perceived as having blasphemed by speaking so intimately of God as His Father.

3. Outright denial

a. The Jews denied Jesus’ accusation.
b. Instead they charged Jesus with being possessed by a demon!

经文:约翰福音 7:19-20



1. 为什么耶稣没有遵守安息日,反而在安息日医治毕士大池边的病人?

《约翰福音 5》

2. 为什么耶稣说祂是从天上降下的粮?《约翰福音 6》

3. 耶稣若没学过,要怎么教训人?《约翰福音 7》




“‘摩西岂不是传律法给你们吗?你们却没有一个人守律法!为什么想要杀我呢?’ 众人回答说:‘你是被鬼附着了!谁想要杀你?’”

《约翰福音 7:19-20》

1. “摩西岂不是传律法给你们吗?你们却没有一个人守律法”

a. 犹太人为自己能教导与遵行摩西的律法,而感到自豪
b. 但实际上,他们根据摩西的律法制定了自己的律法
c. 他们教人们守建立在传统的人造律法而不是守摩西的律法
d. 人们没有守上帝给摩西的律法
e. 从最初,以色列已违反了上帝的律法
f. 在耶稣时期的犹太领袖也是如此,他们也没有守摩西的律法

2. “为什么想要杀我呢?”

a. 经文仔细记载了犹太人首次想杀耶稣的事件《约翰福音 5:16》
b. 经文再次记载了他们想要杀耶稣 《约翰福音 5:18》
c. 他们想杀耶稣的理由:
i. 耶稣被视为犯了安息日的律法
ii. 耶稣亲密地称上帝为祂的父,这被视为是亵渎的话

3. 公然否认

a. 犹太人否认了耶稣的指责
b. 反而,他们指控耶稣被鬼附着了!