Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 54

How Would Jesus Actually Judge?

Text: John 5:30


Jesus knew that his hearers would find it hard to believe that He would have the wisdom to execute the righteous judgment of God. Thus, He offered this important word of explanation.

I can of Myself do nothing.
As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous,
Because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.

John 5:30

1. “I can of Myself do nothing”

a. Many of His hearers only saw Jesus as a mere Man.
b. In the opinion of many, He may have been able to do the following things, but He was only a Man.
i. He could perform miracles.
ii. He could teach brilliantly.
iii. He could claim authority and even demonstrate divine power.
c. To these people, Jesus showed kind understanding.
d. If He had only been a mere mortal He could not achieve much.

2. “As I hear, I judge”

a. This was an astonishing claim of closeness to God, His Father.
b. He was in such proximity with His Father that He could hear what His Father was saying.
c. And even as He hears, He judges.
d. Thus, His judgment is always in close collaboration and in perfect alliance with His Father.

3. “And My judgement is righteous”

a. But of course, His judgment is righteous.
b. What is the intended meaning?
i. His judgment is accurate.
ii. It would be true.
iii. It would never be unrighteous.
iv. Divine wisdom would be involved.

4. “Because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me”

a. Jesus would never act on prejudice.
b. He has only and will only seek His Father’s will and never His own.
Thus He could say that His judgment would not be impaired at any time and for any reason!

经文:约翰福音 5: 30




《约翰福音 5: 30》

1. “我凭着自己不能做什么”

a. 许多听见祂的仅把耶稣视为一个普通人
b. 据他们认为,即使祂能做到以下这几件事,祂也只不过是个普通人
i. 祂可以行神迹
ii. 祂教导的方式卓越非凡
iii. 祂能声称富有权柄,甚至能彰显神圣的大能
c. 耶稣显示祂谅解这些人
d. 倘若祂只是一个凡人,是无法成就这么多的

2. “我怎么听见就怎么审判”

a. 这是祂和上帝,祂天父,亲密关系的惊人宣称
b. 祂与祂天父非常亲近,甚至能听到天父所说的话
c. 祂怎么听见就怎么审判
d. 因此,祂的审判总是与祂天父密切合作并完全一致

3. “我的审判也是公平的”

a. 祂的审判当然是公平的
b. 这是什么意思呢?
i. 祂的审判是准确的
ii. 祂的审判是确实的
iii. 祂的审判永远都不会不公平
iv. 祂的审判会涉及神圣的智慧

4. “因为我不求自己的意思,只求那差我来者的意思”

a. 耶稣是永远不会以偏见来采取行动的
b. 祂只有并且只会寻求祂天父的旨意,而不求自己的意思