Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 23

The Teaching of "Condemnation"

Text: John 3:18

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

John 3:18


The concept of condemnation has to be carefully understood. There are a few elements associated with this word that needs to be given full consideration.

1. A legal aspect

a. The word “condemnation” is derived from the word “judge”.
b The following elements must be noted:
i. God is the Supreme and Righteous Judge.
ii. He will have to judge all mankind one day.
iii. He will judge everyone based on his life, including his many sins.
c. There will be a judgment made.
i. If God were to judge man for all his sins, the verdict “guilty” would be obvious.
ii. This results in the word “condemnation”.

2. “He who believes in Him is not condemned”

a. Jesus has taken the penalty of our sins upon Himself.
b. He died on behalf of man’s sins.
c. The believer will not be condemned by God when he stands before the Judgment Seat.
d. God will take his faith in His only begotten Son and justify the believer.
e. God’s justification means that He will impute the righteousness of Jesus on the believer!
f. Thus, the believer is not condemned in the sight of God.

3. “He who does not believe is condemned already”

a. This is obvious.
b. How would sinful man account and atone for his many sins?
c. His sins would condemn him!

4. “Because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son”

a. It was God who had sent Jesus to be the Saviour of the world.
b. Through believing in the name of Jesus, sinful man may be forgiven and stand justified.
c. If he rejects the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour, how would he be able to save himself?

经文约翰福音 3: 18


《约翰福音 3: 18》

“定罪” 的教诲


1. 法律方面

a.“定罪” 这词来自 “审判”。
b. 我们必须注意以下几点:
i. 上帝是至高和公义的判官。
ii 有朝一日,祂将会审判所有世人。
iii. 祂会以人的人生以及他许多的罪来作审判。
c. 必定会作判断。
i 如果上帝要以人所有的罪行来作审判,“有罪”的判决是明显的。
ii. 这将导致 “定罪”。

2. 信祂的人,不被定罪

a. 耶稣承担了我们的罪的惩罚。
b. 祂为世人的罪而死。
c. 当信徒站在上帝的审判台前时,他必不会被上帝定罪。
d. 上帝会因信徒在祂的独生子里的信心而叫他称义。
e. 上帝叫他称义表示祂会让信徒蒙耶稣算为义!
f. 因此,信徒在上帝的面前不会被定罪。

3. 不信的人,罪已经定了

a. 这是明显的。
b. 一个有罪的人怎能够解释且赎他所有的罪呢?
c. 他的罪将使他被定罪!

4. 因为他不信神独生子的名

a. 是上帝差遣耶稣来成为救世主的。
b. 通过相信耶稣的名,罪人才能够被赦免且称义。
c. 但是,如果他拒绝主耶稣基督为他的救主,他又岂能拯救自己呢?