Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 384

Pilate's Mockery

Text: John 19: 15b - 16


Pilate seized the hour to mock the Jews further. His mockery only served to infuriate the Jews.

“Pilate said to them, ‘Shall I crucify your King?’ The chief priests answered, ‘We have no king but Caesar!’ Then he delivered Him to them to be  crucified. Then they took Jesus and led Him away.”

John 19:15b-16

1. “Pilate said to them”

a. This was not a pronouncement of a judgment.
b. This was mockery of the Jews.

2. “Shall I crucify your King”

a. The King of the Jews
i. Why would the Jews want to crucify their King?
ii. Questions were raised.
iii. But no appropriate answers were given.
b. Crucifixion
i. This was a torturous death.
ii. It was reserved only for the worst of criminals.
iii. How could the Jews want to see their King crucified?

3. “The chief priests answered”

a. These were supposed to be the religious leaders of the people.
b. They represented the Sanhedrin Council.

4. “We have no king but Caesar”

a. This was clear rejection of Jesus as their King.
b. They owned Caesar as their king instead.

5. “Then he delivered Him to them to be crucified”

a. The verdict was given.
b. Jesus had been sentenced to death by crucifixion.

6. “Then they took Jesus and led Him away”

The Roman soldiers would lead Jesus to face death by crucifixion. Pilate proved himself to be powerless.

经文:约翰福音 19:15b-16




《约翰福音 19:15b-16》

1. “彼拉多说”

a. 这不是判决的宣布
b. 这是在戏弄犹太人


a. 犹太人的王
i. 犹太人为何要把他们的王钉在十字架上?
ii. 他提出了这问题
iii. 但没有得到适当的答案
b. 钉十字架
i. 这种死亡方式是非常痛苦的
ii. 它是给最恶劣的罪犯的刑法
iii. 犹太人怎么能让他们的王钉在十字架上?


a. 他们本该是犹太人的宗教领袖
b. 他们代表公会


a. 他们显然拒绝耶稣为他们的王
b. 他们反而把恺撒拥戴为王


a. 彼拉多作出了判决
b. 耶稣被判钉死在十字架上

