Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 325

The Use Of Figurative Language

Text: John 16: 25


Jesus used figurative language extensively. There were many good reasons why He did that.

“These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; but the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but I will tell you plainly about the Father.” 

John 16:25

1. “These things I have spoken to you in figurative language”

a. “These things” refer to the teachings of Jesus.
b. Some of the lessons were:
i. Prophetic
ii. Profound
c. Figurative language:
i. Use of similes
ii. Use of metaphors
iii. Use of illustrations

2. The significance of figurative language

a. To make the Disciples think more deeply.
b. To challenge them to consider other levels of thought.
c. To help them remember the lessons.
d. To help them realise they must seek God humbly for wisdom to comprehend.

3. “But the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language”

a. Jesus looked forward to the day when the Disciples have become more mature.
b. When they have the Spirit of God to enlighten them further.
c. Then He would not need to use figurative language.
d. But at this point of time Jesus had to use every means available to teach His Disciples to cultivate a deeper faith-relationship.

4. “But I will tell you plainly about the Father”

a. Jesus looked forward to teaching deeper things.
b. The Disciples would have a deeper understanding after Jesus has risen from the dead.
c. The lessons about the Father would then be more deeply appreciated.
d. There would be a stronger faith-relationship with the Father by then.

经文:约翰福音 16:25




《约翰福音 16: 25》

1. “这些事,我是用比喻对你们说的”

a. “这些事”指的是耶稣的教训
b. 祂的一些教训:
i. 是预言性的
ii. 是深奥的
c. 祂使用的比喻:
i. 有明喻
ii. 有隐喻
iii. 也有范例

2. 比喻的重要性

a. 使门徒们更深切地思考
b. 挑战他们在其他层次的思维来思考
c. 帮助他们记得教训
d. 帮助他们明白需谦卑地向上帝寻求智慧来理解

3. “时候将到,我不再用比喻对你们说”

a. 耶稣盼望门徒们有朝一日能变得更加成熟
b. 当他们拥有圣灵使他们进一步蒙光照
c. 那时候,祂就无需再使用比喻了
d. 但在这个时刻,耶稣必须使用所有的方式来教导门徒们培养一个基于更深切的信心的关系

4. “乃要将父明明地告诉你们”

a. 耶稣期盼能教导更深奥的事情
b. 耶稣死里复活后,门徒们将会有更深切的理解
c. 到那时,他们就会更珍惜有关天父的教训
d. 那时候,他们和天父基于信心的关系也会更加刚强