Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 296

Abiding In The Word

Text: John 15: 7


The next word of wisdom Jesus taught His disciples was the importance of abiding in His word. They are actually closely connected. One cannot speak of abiding in Jesus if he is not abiding in His word.

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”

John 15:7

1. A big “If”

a. Many assume that they are abiding in Jesus.
b. Jesus raised an important question.
i. Abiding in Jesus must not be assumed.
ii. Abiding in Him must be checked carefully and proven.

2. “And My words abide in you”

a. The same “if” is applied in the second part of this sentence.
b. There must not be assumption that the word of Jesus truly abides in the believer.

3. What would not do

a. Verbal declaration of abiding in Jesus.
b. Emotional feeling about abiding in Him.
c. True abiding in Jesus is something that can be proven.

4. Proof of true abiding

a. It is abiding in Jesus.
b. It is abiding in His word.
c. Clear indication:
i. There will be fruit.
ii. More fruit may be expected after pruning (that is, “cleansing”).
iii. But if there is no fruit then it is obvious that the individual is not abiding in Jesus.

5. “You will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”

a. This statement must be understood carefully.
b. Jesus is not offering a blank cheque for us to fill the desired numbers.
c. The “if” idea continues to apply.
d. The prayers that we present to the Lord must be holy and never selfish.
e. All prayers are subject to the will of God!

经文:约翰福音 15: 7


耶稣教导门徒的下一个富智慧的话语就是常在祂的话里面的重要性。 一个人若不常在祂的话里面,就不能说自己常在耶稣里面。这两者实际上是紧密相连的。


《约翰福音 15:7》

1. “若”的重大性

a. 许多人以为自己常在耶稣里面
b. 耶稣提出了一个重要问题
i. 我们不能假定自己常在耶稣里面
ii. 我们必须仔细查验并证明自己常在祂里面

2. “我的话也常在你们里面”

a. 该句的第二部分中应用了相同的 “若”
b. 我们绝不能假定耶稣的话真正常在信徒里面

3. 以下的都不被接受

a. 口头宣言常在耶稣里面
b. 情绪化地感觉自己常在祂里面
c. 真正常在耶稣里面是可以被证实的

4. 真正常在里面的凭据

a. 是常在耶稣里面
b. 是常在祂的话里面
c. 明确表明:
i. 会结果子
ii. 枝子被修理后,可能会结更多果子(即 “洁净”)
iii. 但如果没结果子,那这人明显并没有常在耶稣里面

5. “凡你们所愿意的,祈求,就给你们成就”

a. 我们必须仔细理解这句话
b. 耶稣并不是开了一张空白的支票任由我们填写想要的数字
c. 我们得继续应用“若”的概念
d. 我们向主献上的祷告必须是圣洁且永无私心的
e. 所有的祷告都依据上帝的旨意!