Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 289

An Important Word Of Warning

Text: John 14: 30


The Lord Jesus sought to prepare His Disciples concerning the immediate future. He spoke to them about His suffering and His death. They must brace themselves for the days ahead were going to be far tougher than they had expected. He also took the time to warn them of a grave danger that lay ahead.

“I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.” 

John 14:30

1. “I will no longer talk much with you”

a. Jesus had already taught the Disciples many great truths.
b. Each truth had to be carefully thought through and digested.
c. He knew that the Disciples had not been able to understand everything He had taught them.
d. If He continued to teach them many new things, they would have even greater difficulties processing the knowledge.
e. Their immediate need was to master the deep lessons they had learned.

2. “For the ruler of this world is coming”

a. Jesus was making reference to Satan.
b. The Scriptures mentioned that he personally tempted Jesus when He was fasting in the wilderness for forty days and nights (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13).
c. The Devil had failed in his attempt to cause Jesus to fall to his temptations.
d. He had left Jesus alone after his failure (Matthew 4:11).
e. Jesus knew that he was coming again to battle Him.

3. “And he has nothing in Me”

a. Jesus was of course unafraid of the Devil.
b. But He was aware that Satan would try everything he knew to affect the work of Jesus.
c. But He also knew that the Devil would not be able to find anything in Jesus to attack Him with.

4. Remembering how the Devil tried to tempt Jesus

a. He sought to tempt Jesus to abuse His powers by converting stones to bread. Jesus rejected this temptation by insisting that He would obey the Word of God fully.
b. He sought to tempt Jesus to sin presumptuously. If Jesus were to jump from the highest pinnacle of the Temple, surely, the angels of God would come to His rescue.
Jesus also rejected this temptation outright. God must not be put to the test in this manner.
c. Finally, he sought to tempt Jesus by offering him the riches and power of the kingdoms of this world, if only Jesus would just offer him worship.
Jesus rejected this third temptation also. He would only worship and serve God His Father!

文:约翰福音 14:30



“以后我不再和你们多说话,因为这世界的王将到; 他在我里面是毫无所有。”

《约翰福音 14:30》

1. “以后我不再和你们多说话”

a. 耶稣已经教导门徒许多伟大的真理
b. 每一个真理都要很清楚地思考及理解
c. 祂知道门徒还未完全理解祂过去所教导的一切
d. 如果祂继续教导他们新的事物,他们就更无法理解这些知识
e. 他们迫切需要掌握他们已学的深奥教训

2. “因为这世界的王将到”

a. 耶稣指的是撒但
b. 经文提到当耶稣在旷野禁食四十昼夜时,撒但亲自试探祂《马太福音 4:1-11;路加福音 4:1-13》
c. 魔鬼试图使耶稣屈服于试探,但失败了
d. 在失败过后,魔鬼就离开了耶稣《马太福音 4:11》
e. 耶稣知道他会再来挑战祂


a. 耶稣当然不害怕魔鬼
b. 但祂知道撒但会尽一切来影响耶稣的工作
c. 但祂也知道撒但不会在耶稣身上找到任何可以攻击祂的事物

4. 记得撒但如何试探耶稣

a. 他试图试探耶稣滥用大能把石头变成食物。耶稣拒绝了这个诱惑,坚持自己会完全遵从上帝的话语。
b. 他试图试探耶稣擅自犯罪。如果耶稣真的从殿顶跳下去,上帝的天使肯定会来救祂。耶稣再次坦然地拒绝了这个诱惑。上帝是不可以这样被试探的。
c. 最后,他试图试探耶稣俯伏拜撒但。只要祂这么做,他会把世上的万国与万国的荣华赐给祂,。耶稣也拒绝了第三个诱惑。祂只会敬拜及侍奉上帝,祂的天父!