Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 277

A Glorious Provision

Text: John 14: 13 - 14


The ministry of the Lord Jesus on earth was truly extensive and outstanding. He taught powerfully, He healed many of the dreaded diseases. He cast out many demons. But His ministry would not end at His death. He made wonderful provision with reference to prayer especially.

“And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

John 14:13-14

1. “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do”

a. The name of the Lord Jesus
i. It is a glorious name
ii. It is a name of great power
iii. It is in His name that we must pray in
b. The word “whatever”
i. All we ask in prayer is subject to God’s will
ii. There must be nothing selfish or sinful in our prayer requests
iii. The promise of the Lord Jesus to answer our prayers is truly uplifting
c. “That the Father may be glorified in the Son”
i. We must bear in mind the glory of God
ii. All things are to be done for the glory of God
iii. Prayers answered will indeed bring glory to God the Father
iv. This glory would be found in and through the Lord Jesus Christ
v. Thus, we are encouraged to learn how to pray meaningfully

2. “If you ask anything in My name”

a. The Disciples would have to learn to believe in the Lord Jesus further
b. They must learn to be more prayerful
c. They must dare to pray with courage and confidence
d. They must learn to pray with the will of God and His glory in mind

3. “I will do it”

a. The Lord Jesus continues to be actively involved though He may return to His Father
b. He is involved through hearing and helping us when we seek the Father through Him

经文:约翰福音 14:13-14




《约翰福音 14:13-14》

1. “你们奉我的名无论求什么,我必成就”

a. 主耶稣的名
i. 这是一个充满荣耀的名
ii. 这是一个充满大能的名
iii. 我们得在祷告中奉祂的名而求告
b. “无论”这字
i. 我们在祷告中所求告的受制于上帝的旨意
ii. 我们的祷告不应该有自私或罪恶的要求
iii. 主耶稣必成就我们所祈求的这个应许的确振奋人心
c. “叫父因儿子得荣耀”
i. 我们得记住上帝的荣耀
ii. 所做的一切都得是为了上帝的荣耀
iii. 被应允的祷告的确会带给父神荣耀
iv. 这个荣耀会在主耶稣基督里找到
v. 因此,我们受鼓励学习如何有意义的祷告

2. “你们若奉我名求告什么”

a. 门徒们得学习如何更深一层的信靠主耶稣
b. 他们得学习多加祷告
c. 他们得敢于以勇气与信心来祷告
d. 他们得学习如何在祷告时,谨记上帝的旨意与荣耀

3. “我必成就”

a. 虽然主耶稣会回到祂的父,祂还会继续地帮助
b. 当我们通过祂寻求父时,祂会聆听及协助