Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 238

The Prophet Isaiah

Text: John 12: 39-41


God had many prophets. Isaiah was one of the most respected prophets of God. In his long prophetic book, he gave many prophetic glimpses of the life of the Messiah. He also recorded the fact that some would not believe in God’s Messiah.

“Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah said again: ‘He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, Lest they should see with their eyes,  Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them.’ These things Isaiah said when he saw His glory and spoke of Him.” 

John 12:39-41

1. Did Isaiah believe in the Messiah?

a. Yes, he did.
b. Through prophetic eyes, he saw the glory of the Messiah.
c. Thus, he wrote much about His birth, His life and ministry (Isaiah 7, 9, 11, 42, 49, 52, 53).

2. Isaiah described the punitive judgment of the LORD

a. “He has blinded their eyes”
i. Because the people had chosen to close their eyes.
ii. Hence, the LORD caused the eyes to remain shut.
b. “And hardened their hearts”
i. Because they had hardened their hearts first.
ii. God then caused their hearts to remain hardened.

3. Preventing false “last minute” responses

a. Many people make false “last minute responses”.
b. They make fake decisions.
i. They speak of “seeing”.
ii. They may speak of “understanding”.
iii. They may even speak of “turning to God”.

4. This is often confusing to people and thus God makes it very clear

a. If people were to reject Jesus, they would remain hardened and unrepentant.
b. He would not heal them, though they may make false claims of believing in Jesus at the last minute.

The LORD knows the human heart very well. He knows who the true believers really are!

经文:约翰福音 12: 39-41




《约翰福音 12:39-41》

1. 以赛亚信弥赛亚吗?

a. 是的,他信
b. 通过预言的眼目,他看见了弥赛亚的荣耀
c. 因此,他写了许多关于祂的诞生、生命和职事 《以赛亚书 7,9,11,42,49,52,53》

2. 以赛亚描述了上帝惩罚性的审判

a. “主叫他们瞎了眼”
i. 因为人们选择闭上眼睛
ii. 因此,上帝叫他们继续闭眼
b. “硬了心”
i. 因为他们先硬了自己的心
ii. 上帝使他们的心继续坚硬

3. 防止虚假的“最后一刻”的反应

a. 许多人做出虚假的“最后一刻的反应”
b. 他们做出虚假的决定
i. 他们说到“眼睛看见”
ii. 他们可能会说 “心里明白”
iii. 他们甚至可能说要 “向上帝回转过来”

4. 这通常使人感到困惑,因此,上帝非常清楚地解释

a. 如果人们拒绝耶稣,他们的心就会继续坚硬和不悔改。
b. 祂不会医治他们,尽管他们可能会在最后一刻虚假地声称自己信耶稣。
