Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 232

The Explanation of Jesus

Text: John 12: 30-31


What a shame that the people who heard God’s voice did not comprehend the message from Heaven. Jesus sought to explain its significance.

“Jesus answered and said, ‘This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake. Now is the judgment of this world; Now the ruler of this world will be cast out.’”

John 12:30-31

1. “Jesus answered and said”

a. There must have been puzzled looks on the faces of
i. His own Disciples.
ii. The multitude.
b. They could not understand the voice of the LORD.
c. They could not interpret its significance.

2. “This voice did not come because of Me”

a. Jesus did not need to actually hear the voice of His Father in this manner.
b. He was so close to His Father, this voice from heaven was thus “not because of Him”.

3. “But for your sake”

a. God had allowed the crowds to hear His voice.
b. A number of things may be considered:
i. To strengthen their faith in Jesus.
ii. To reaffirm that God does hear and answer prayer.
iii. That God is real and attentive to the word of Jesus, His beloved Son.

4. “Now is the judgment of this world”

a. The LORD will judge the world.
b. The world would not be able to account for its many sins.
c. But Jesus would be judged for our sins!

5. “Now the ruler of this world will be cast out”

a. The ruler of this world is a reference to Satan.
b. The idea of being “cast out” is a description of one who has been defeated.
c. Jesus would defeat the power of the Evil One who had preyed on man’s fear of death!

经文:约翰福音 12:30-31



“耶稣说:‘这声音不是为我,是为你们来的。 现在这世界受审判,这世界的王要被赶出去。’”

《约翰福音 12:30-31》

1. “耶稣说”

a. 以下这些人的脸上肯定表露了疑惑的表情
i. 耶稣的门徒
ii. 众人
b. 他们无法理解上帝的声音
c. 他们无法解读其中的意义

2. “这声音不是为我”

a. 耶稣不需要以这种方式听天父的声音
b. 祂如此亲近天父,因此,这从天降下来的声音“不是为祂”而来的

3. “是为你们来的”

a. 上帝允许众人听到祂的声音
b. 我们可考虑以下的原因:
i. 为了加强他们在耶稣里的信心
ii. 为重申上帝确实聆听并回应祷告
iii. 为重申上帝是真实的,并且会关注爱子耶稣的话

4. “ 现在这世界受审判”

a. 上帝必审判世界
b. 世界无法解释所犯的许多罪
c. 但耶稣会因我们的罪而受审判!

5. “ 这世界的王要被赶出去”

a. 这世界的王指的是撒旦
b. 被“赶出去”所描述的是击败者
c. 恶魔利用人对死亡的恐惧造成伤害。耶稣会击败这恶魔