Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 229

Troubled Feelings

Text: John 12: 27


Jesus is indeed the true Saviour. We need to remember that He had come in the form of Man. Thus, He would also experience troubling feelings at times. This is normal. We have all had such troubling feelings.

“Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour.’” 

John 12:27

1. “Now My soul is troubled”

a. A human being has two parts essentially.
i. The external part, which we call “the body”, or “the flesh”.
ii. The internal part, which we call, “the soul”, or “the spirit”.
b. That which is sometimes troubled.
i. The inner being is sometimes troubled.
ii. It may be affected by feelings.
iii. The emotions are then ruffled badly.

2. “And what shall I say”

a. Jesus shares with us how we may deal with these troubled feelings.
b. This was a special way of teaching His disciples.

3. The first option is considered

a. “Father, save Me from this hour?”
b. Should Jesus offer this prayer?
i. It is not unnatural to ask to be saved or delivered from death.
ii. Many prayer requests for deliverance from death are presented to God from many people.

4. A deeper option is next considered

a. “But for this purpose, I came for this hour.”
b. Jesus had mentioned this thought many times.
i. He had been sent for a purpose.
ii. He would suffer and die to fulfil God’s plan of salvation.
c. Purpose versus feelings
i. Jesus refused to give in to normal human feelings.
ii. He would choose fulfilling God’s purpose and be prepared to lay down His life for the world.

经文:约翰福音 12:27




《约翰福音 12:27》

1. “我现在心里忧愁”

a. 人类基本上有两个部分
i. 外部部分,我们称为 “身体” 或 “肉体”
ii. 内部部分,我们称为 “灵魂” 或 “灵”
b. 有时感到忧愁
i. 内心有时会感受到困扰
ii. 它可能会受到感情的影响
iii. 情绪便严重恶化

2. “我说什么才好呢”

a. 耶稣与我们分享应该如何处理这些忧愁的感受
b. 这是教导门徒的一种特殊方式

3. 考虑第一种选择

a. “父啊,救我脱离这时候”
b. 耶稣应该这么祷告吗?
i. 要求拯救或脱离死亡是自然的
ii. 许多人向上帝献上许多脱离死亡的祈祷请求

4. 接下来考虑更深层次的选择

a. “但我原是为这时候来的”
b. 耶稣多次提到过这个想法
i. 祂被差谴是有原因的
ii. 祂会因为实现上帝的救恩计划而受苦受难
c. 目的与感受
i. 耶稣拒绝屈服于正常人的情感
ii. 祂会选择实现上帝的旨意,并准备为世人舍命