Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 33

Text: Galatians 4: 6-7


“And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, ‘Abba, Father!’ Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”

Galatians 4:6-7


1. The doctrine of being “sons of God”.

a. This was deep.
b. This was profound.
c. This was revelatory.

2. The ramifications of being “sons of God”.

a. God has sent forth the Holy Spirit.
b. He is called “The Spirit of His Son”.
i. It was the Lord Jesus who prayed that the Spirit may be given (John 14:16-17).
ii. His role in the life of the believer would be indispensable.
c. He indwells the heart of all true believers.
d. He teaches all believers to relate to God as “Abba, Father”.
i. This is a very privileged relationship.
ii. This is special relationship that must be treasured.
iii. It must also be very wisely and carefully cultivated.

3. No longer slaves!

a. No longer slaves to sin.
b. Nor slaves to the elements of the world.
c. This is a doctrine that must be carefully comprehended and applied.

4. “But a son”

a. Sonship is more than just a doctrinal concept.
b. Sonship leads to becoming an heir of God through the Lord Jesus Christ.

5. The practice of sonship as seen in the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. Closeness to the Father was maintained:
i. In prayer.
ii. In knowledge of the Father’s will.
b. Obedience to the Father was practised:
i. Humbly
ii. Consistently
iii. In full comprehension of the Father’s plans.
c. Love for the Father:
i. A deep and profound love.
ii. A love that was sustained.
iii. A love that was not affected by adverse circumstances.

我夜间的歌曲 – 重要教义:救恩
经文:加拉太书 4

“你们既为儿子,神就差他儿子的灵进入你们的心,呼叫:“阿爸!父!” 可见,从此以后你不是奴仆,乃是儿子了;既是儿子,就靠着神为后嗣。”

《加拉太书 4:6-7》


1. 成为“上帝之子”的教义

a. 深切

b. 深奥

c. 给予启示

2. 成为“上帝之子”事关重大

a. 上帝会差遣圣灵

b. 圣灵被称为“他儿子的灵”

i. 主耶稣要求父将圣灵赐给信祂的人《约翰福音 14:16-17》

ii. 祂在信徒生命里的角色是不可或缺的

c. 祂会进入所有真正的信徒的心中

d. 祂会教导信徒把上帝称呼为“阿爸!父!”

i. 这是个有特权的关系

ii. 我们必须珍惜这特别的关系

iii. 我们也应该明智与细心地培养这份关系

3. 以后不是奴仆!

a. 我们以后不是奴仆

b. 也不受这世间的限制

c. 我们必须仔细地理解和实践这个教义

4. “乃是儿子”

a. 拥有上帝的儿子的名分不仅是重要的教义

b. 借着信主耶稣,我们成为上帝的后嗣

5. 在主耶稣基督身上,看见了儿子名分的实践

a. 祂与天父有着密切的关系:

i. 通过祷告

ii. 通过深切地认识天父的旨意

b. 顺服天父

i. 谦卑

ii. 始终如一

iii. 完全理解上帝的计划

c. 爱慕天父

i. 一份深切的爱

ii. 一份始终如一的爱

iii. 一份不受恶劣形势所影响的爱