Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 20

Text: Colossians 2: 6-7


“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”

Colossians 2:6-7


1. Receiving of the Lord Jesus Christ:

a. He is received as the Saviour.
b. He is to be followed as the Lord.
c. The Colossian brethren had received the Lord Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

2. “Walk in Him”

a. The word “walk” describes:
i. The Christian lifestyle.
ii. It means the believer is continuing with his faith-walk.
b. The Christian walk:
i. It points to a close relationship with the Lord Jesus.
ii. This relationship with the Lord must be carefully sustained.

3. The challenge is to be established in the faith.

a. Being Rooted in the faith.
i. This is one expression of what it means to be established in the faith.
ii. It describes a tree that is well-planted (Psalm 1).
iii. The established Christian may be compared with a strongly rooted tree.
b. Built up in the Faith.
i. Another expression was described.
ii. This time round, a building imagery is used.
iii. A well-built faith may be compared to a strong house that is built on the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24-25).

4. What happens when one is rooted and built up in the faith?

a. This was what the Colossian believers had been taught by Epaphras, their pastor.
b. The believers are taught to abound in their faith with thanksgiving!
c. A strong and vibrant faith is truly possible!
d. But the believers have to be on their guard against those who would try and deceive with persuasive words.
e. An established faith would stand them in good stead against all threats!

经文:歌罗西书 2

“你们既然接受了主基督耶稣,就当遵他而行, 在他里面生根建造,信心坚固,正如你们所领的教训,感谢的心也更增长了。”

《歌罗西书 2:6-7》


1. 接受主耶稣基督

a. 接受祂为救主

b. 跟随祂为主

c. 歌罗西信徒已接受主耶稣为救主和他们要跟随的主

2. “遵他而行”

a. “遵祂而行”指的是:

i. 基督徒的生活方式

ii. 表示信徒继续以信心处事待人

b. 基督徒的生活操练

i. 表示跟主耶稣的关系亲密

ii. 跟主的关系必须小心维持

3. 信心坚固的挑战

a. 在信心里生根

i. 这是信心坚固的一种表达

ii. 就像一棵扎根稳固的树《诗篇1》

iii. 信心坚固的基督徒好比一颗根深蒂固的大树

b. 在信心里建造

i. 这是另一种表达

ii. 这次使用了建筑的图像作为比喻

iii. 一个建造好的信心好比一栋建立在主耶稣基督里的稳固房子《马太福音 7:24-25》

4. 当一个人在信心里生根建造,那又如何?

a. 这是歌罗西信徒从他们的牧师,以巴弗所领的教训

b. 信徒必须在信心中充满感谢的心

c. 强健充实的信心是可以拥有的!

d. 但信徒必须提防那些用花言巧语来欺骗别人的人

e. 坚固的信心将抵挡这些危险