Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 115

Text: Luke 9: 51-53


1. In the days of the Lord Jesus

a. There was great animosity between the Jews and the Samaritans.
b. Unfortunately, they despised each other.
c. They were ethnically related but they did not have much of a relationship with each other.

2. The Journey to Jerusalem

a. Galilee was up North.
b. Jerusalem was down South.
c. Samaria lay in between.
d. Passing through Samaria would be a shorter journey to Jerusalem from Galilee.

3. The Lord’s plan was to go to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51).

a. This was not unusual.
b. He had been doing this all the time.

4. An advanced Team of Disciples (Luke 9:52).

a. They were sent ahead.
b. They would be telling people that the Lord would be coming soon.
c. The meeting places would be chosen and confirmed.
d. This was done by way of preparation.

5. Resistance from a Samaritan village.

a. One village refused to receive Him (Luke 9:53a).
b. They saw that the Lord was going to Jerusalem (Luke 9:53b).
c. The Samaritans were within their rights.
i. To allow people to go through their village to Jerusalem.
ii. To disallow people to take a shorter route through Samaria.
d. This would mean that the Lord and His disciples would have to go around the village.
e. This would mean that they would have to walk a few extra days before they could reach Jerusalem.

What should they do?

经文:路加福音 9:51-53


1. 在主耶稣的日子

a. 犹太人与撒马利亚人之间不合
b. 他们互相鄙视
c. 两族人之间虽有亲戚关系但却不打交道

2. 耶路撒冷的路上

a. 加利利在北方
b. 耶路撒冷在南方
c. 撒马利亚在两地之间
d. 通过撒马利亚到耶路撒冷的路途较短

3. 主耶稣定意向耶路撒冷去《路加福音9:51》

a. 这很寻常
b. 祂一直都这么做

4. 使者在祂前头先行《路加福音9:52》

a. 在祂前头走
b. 他们通知人们主耶稣将来临
c. 会面的地点预先决定
d. 这是为了预备

5. 撒马利亚一个村庄不接待

a. 一个村庄不接待祂《路加福音9:53a》
b. 他们见主耶稣向耶路撒冷行《路加福音9:53b》
c. 撒马利亚人的确有权力
i. 让人通过他们村庄向耶路撒冷行
ii. 或不允许人们用撒马利亚为‘捷径’
d. 这表示主耶稣与门徒们必须绕道沿着村庄旁而行
e. 这会使他们抵达耶路撒冷的路程被延长几日